We will not be posting updates to this blog during the government shutdown


The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is closed due to a partial shutdown of the  United States Government.  As a result, IMLS is not engaged in any grant-making or other agency activities.  During this time, we will not be able to review or respond to any form of communication.  No payments for grant programs or contracts will be made by IMLS until the agency is reopened.  The agency website will remain accessible, but will not be updated until operations resume. Please refer to www.imls.gov for additional information.

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Millions of Moments of Discovery: US2020 Launches City Competition

By Max Milder
Fellow, US2020

Enter a classroom anywhere in the U.S. today, and you will likely encounter a scene that could easily have fit in two or three decades ago. Students are sitting at desks. Teachers are using whiteboards and textbooks. Technology that could illuminate concepts is nowhere to be seen. This occurs not from a lack of imagination, but rather a lack of resources.  Many libraries, after-school programs, and museums already provide incredible interactive learning opportunities for students, but don’t have the opportunity to showcase the work that they do or leverage what they have to reach large numbers of students. The result is that too many youths still see science as a series of abstract concepts with little relevance to their lives.

This must change. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) fields hold the promise of a successful career and the opportunity to discover and explore new ideas. Research has shown that interest in STEM subjects is more important than enrollment in advanced classes in predicting who will choose a STEM career, and hands-on activities like building robots or designing video games can ignite that interest.

Boy creating a science project.

US2020 is a new organization that has emerged from a White House call to generate large-scale, innovative solutions to our STEM education challenge. Our goal is to find one million STEM professionals to act as mentors to students and provide more hands-on, experiential learning opportunities, especially for girls, students of color, and low-income children. Our model is built on connecting and leveraging capacities and expertise that already exist across the nation in high-performing organizations, including museums and libraries. By connecting leading youth-serving non-profits with corporate partners who have committed to serving their community, we will create a pipeline of volunteers to organizations who have proven their impact.

For libraries and museums, US2020 can provide the volunteers and best practices that will help them continue to strengthen their programming and scale up to serve larger numbers of students. Our offices are located in the Boston Children’s Museum, so nearly every day we witness the enthusiasm for learning from children entering our building. This is something we can replicate in cities across the U.S. In partnerships with organizations like yours, we will ignite millions of moments of discovery for students, giving them first-hand experience with fascinating career opportunities in science and beyond.

US2020 logo

This month, we are launching the US2020 City Competition, which will highlight and support several outstanding efforts to build STEM mentorship capacity at the local level. Three to five cities will share around $1 million in cash and in-kind resources based on their plans to increase STEM mentoring and access for girls, low-income youth, and students of color. In addition, winning cities will benefit from a cohort of service corps members, access to a volunteer-matching database, and a number of other support services. The competition will serve as a catalyst for communities to connect resources and build partnerships to provide moments of discovery for their own students. Visit our website or email us at citycompetition@us2020.org to connect with coalitions forming in cities across the nation!

Max Milder is the US 2020 Fellow and a National Teaching Fellow at Citizen Schools. He serves at the Edwards Middle School in Charlestown, MA. Max has a BA and MPA from Clark University.

Posted in 21st Century Skills, Afterschool/Out-of-School, Education Support, Learning Tools and Interactives (Information/Media literacy), Lifelong learning/ Intergenerational, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) | Leave a comment

Nominate an Afterschool Program for a Chance to Win $10,000

By Nikki Yamashiro
Research Associate, Afterschool Alliance

At the Afterschool Alliance we’ve seen the innovative and exciting ways libraries and museums across the country are providing kids with hands-on, experiential learning during the out-of-school hours. However, we know that there are many more examples of programs that are helping kids to explore their interests, build on the social-emotional and critical thinking skills that will benefit them both in school and life, and most importantly, support their overall development and wellbeing. With your help, we will discover and highlight five exemplary and lesser-known afterschool programs serving middle school youth.

Middle school students receiving a check for the MetLife awards.

Photo by America SCORES Chicago

In partnership with MetLife Foundation, we will award $10,000 to five afterschool programs serving middle school students that have demonstrated excellence in the following four categories:

  1. Why Data Matters: How Afterschool Programs Use Data to Improve Programming – Programs that are successfully using data to improve their programming and their ability to serve children in the local community
  2. Students with Disabilities and Other Special Needs and Afterschool – Programs that have demonstrated success providing an environment that strengthens the self-confidence, perseverance, and emotional wellbeing of children with disabilities and other special needs
  3. The Role of Afterschool and the Common Core State Standards – Programs that are intentionally and successfully offering programming that supports student learning toward the Common Core standards and promotes the habits of mind (knowledge, skills, and dispositions) that are reflected in the Common Core
  4. Keeping Kids Safe and Supported in the Hours After School – Programs that have demonstrated success providing an environment that helps students feel safe, reduces problem behavior, and keeps kids engaged in learning.

The nomination process is open until Oct. 14, 2013. Winners of the Afterschool Innovator Award will receive $10,000 and be featured in both in our 2013-2014 series of issue briefs and in our Afterschool in Action Compendium. Award winners will also have the opportunity to present at national conferences with the Afterschool Alliance.

The online nomination form includes more detailed instructions about the nomination process, and our MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Award page includes additional information about the selection process and awards ceremony. You can also watch our webinar, “Afterschool Innovators and Middle School Success,” for more information about the awards.

I’m happy to answer any questions about the nomination process. You can contact me at nyamashiro@afterschoolalliance.org.

Be sure to share this opportunity with your friends, colleagues, and community! We look forward to learning more about the great afterschool programs taking place in libraries and museums across the country.

Nikki Yamashiro is a research associate at the Afterschool Alliance, a national organization working to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs. 

Posted in Accessibility, Afterschool/Out-of-School, Learning Tools and Interactives (Information/Media literacy), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) | Leave a comment