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Love Letters: What About a Second Date?

Or maybe he isn't interested anymore, in which case, why would he bother talking to me?

‘Mighty Mom’ Breast Pumping Toolbelt Wins MIT Hackathon

Because “every mom is superhero,” the winning design at MIT’s Make The Breast Pump Not Suck Hackathon is a discrete, wearable and smart utility belt for breast pumping. WATCH: Hackers ‘Have a Blast’ Making Breast Pumps Not Suck The Moms Behind MIT’s Breast Pumping Hackathon Pictures and Pitches: MIT’s Breast Pumping Hackathon

QuickType, Stop Putting Words In My Mouth

I’m not too keen on many of the new features rolled out with iOS8. My phone’s QuickType feature in particular is messing with me. Boston Wakes Up to iPhone 6 Mayhem iPhone 6 is Here, But Do We Need Apple Pay?

Vegetables and Vodka In This Up-Beet Cocktail, Yum!

Beverage director Brett Henderson shares his recipe for an earthy, dark red cocktail that fits perfectly with this restaurant's farm-to-table mantra.

Picky, Picky, Picky: Online Daters Apt to Show Their Racial, Class Biases

Let me just get this out there — dating bias is much like ordering pizza.

Who's Lying, The 4-year-old or The Boyfriend?

Preschooler suddenly becomes very ill, says mom's boyfriend gave her "icky" candy. He denies it and mom's wondering who to believe.

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