100 Resilient Cities Challenge

The 2014 100 Resilient Cities Challenge Is Now Closed

Thank you for your interest in this year’s 100 Resilient Cities Challenge. The 2014 Challenge closed on September 10.

Please stay tuned, because we will be announcing the cities selected to join the 100 Resilient Cities Network on December 3, 2014. 

Everyone at 100 Resilient Cities is working hard reviewing applications from this round of The Challenge. 100 Resilient Cities seeks 100 cities that are ready to develop their resilience to the growing social, economic, and physical challenges that cities face in an increasingly urbanized world.

We can't predict the next disruption or catastrophe. But we can control how we prepare for and respond to these challenges. We help make our cities better at adapting to the shocks and stresses of our world and transforming them into opportunities for growth.

The next round of the 100 Resilient Cities Challenge is set to open in 2015. Selected cities receive:

  • Funding to hire a Chief Resilience Officer;
  • Assistance in developing a resilience strategy;
  • Access to a platform of innovative private and public sector tools to help design and implement that strategy;
  • And membership in the 100 Resilient Cities Network.

While waiting for the December 3 announcement and the 2015 Challenge, please don't hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about becoming part of and joining the resilient cities movement.



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