World in a week: Carcasses of 192 elephants found in the Serengeti

18 - 22 August: Catch up with all the development-related news you may have missed this week

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black and white elephants
An aerial report confirms 192 elephant carcasses were found in the world famous Mara-Serengeti ecosystem. Photograph: Paul Goldstein/Exodus/REX

Good week for

Arvind Subramanian, the economist who is front-runner in the race to become chief economic adviser in India’s finance ministry.

Nian Bin, a grocery shop owner who, after six years on death row in China, has been acquitted.

Bad week for

Ebola-affected countries, whose economies are continue to suffer as Kenya becomes the latest country to declare a travel ban and Air France staff call for cancellations.

Residents of Kerala as authorities in the southern Indian state outline plans to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol.

Quote of the week

This week a Youtube video showing Vian Dakheel, the only Yazidi female MP, speaking out in parliament about the rape and enslavement of Iraq’s minority women, has been widely circulated. In an emotional appeal she is translated as saying:

Mr Speaker, our women are being taken as slaves and sold in the slave market. There is now a campaign of genocide being waged against the Yazidi constituent. Brothers, away from all political disputes we want humanitarian solidarity. I speak here in the name of humanity: save us!

What you’re saying

To mark World Humanitarian Day on Tuesday 19 August, we asked our Twitter followers who do relief work to complete this sentence: “I love being a humanitarian because...” This is what a few had to say:

@GuardianGDP @eu_echo @theOFDA I love being a humanitarian b/c I meet ppl making a difference in their OWN lives They tell me their stories.

— Sophia Jones (@So_Jo1) August 19, 2014

@GuardianGDP #WHD2014 I was a hum. in DRC & I loved it because I could immediately see the impact of my work. 2 old now but am still in dev

— Tarikua Getachew (@TarikawiPeace) August 19, 2014

This week in numbers

£6.5m Ebola research intiative has been set up by the Wellcome Trust and DfID.

191,300 people killed in Syria’s civil war, between March 2011 and April 2014.

42,000 acres of croplands in Gaza has been destroyed. The damage from the recent conflict is estimated at three times that of 2008-9 conflict.

$20,000 the prize money for the best idea to reinvent development

192 elephant carcasses found in African Mara-Serengeti ecosystem.

51 people are still missing after a landslide in Japan.

Picture of the week

tattooed man hong kong
A man displays his tattoo at the Hong Kong Tattoo Convention on August 22, 2014. Photograph: Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images


The first Iraqi Christian refugees have been flown to Paris. Foreign minister, Laurent Fabius says the numbers seeking asylum could reach “several thousand”.

Bangladesh’s ministry of health and family welfare is implementing a new health strategy.

World Food Programme west Africa announces that food distributions have started in Liberia to people in quarantine area in Monrovia.

The MDG 500-day countdown began on Monday. Eight development leaders celebrate the successes to date.

Newly launched report confirms 2013 was the worst year for aid worker safety since records began in 1997.


Winner of ‘the most creative way to present research’ prize this week goes to Michael Clemens and Timothy Ogden for this lego stop motion video on making remittances a tool for development.

Reading list

Coming next week: have your say

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