A-level maths overtakes English for first time as students opt for harder subjects

Number who sat maths rose by 0.9% while entries for English fell 4.6%, with move attributed to preferences of highly selective universities
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A-level students sitting an exam View larger picture
Students sitting an A-level exam. Experts said students' move to taking harder subjects could in part be an after-effect of the scrapping of end of January exams. Photograph: Ben Birchall/PA

Maths has become the most popular A-level, overtaking English for the first time, as more students seem to opt for subjects that they believe will secure them top jobs.

The number of students who sat maths rose by 0.9%, while those who took further maths was up 1.5%. Entries for English fell 4.6% – a drop blamed on the GCSE debacle that left thousands of teenagers with lower grades than expected in 2012.

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Meanwhile, the proportion of students who achieved the highest grade – A* – shot up by nearly 8% compared with last year, but the proportion of students achieving all other grades slightly fell.

More than 8% of exam entries were awarded an A* – a rise of 0.6 percentage points compared with 2013 and the highest rate since the grade was first introduced in 2010. The proportion achieving A* to E dropped from 98.1% to 98%.

Experts attributed the increased popularity of harder subjects such as chemistry – which passed history as the fifth most popular subject – as in part an after-effect of the scrapping of end-of-January exams. Without these, teachers and pupils can focus more closely on the crucial summer exam season.

"Students are having more time to focus and are spending less time on revision. We think that will have had an impact," said Andrew Hall, head of the AQA exam board. "And maybe those students who were comfortably getting A, with that extra time a few more might have stretched to get an A*."

The move towards science, maths and more traditional subjects has also been driven by highly selective universities, such as those in the Russell Group, making plain their preference for applicants with A-levels in the so-called "facilitating subjects".

Mary Curnock Cook, the head of the Ucas clearing house that administers undergraduate admissions, said a record number of nearly 400,000 applicants had been given places at university this year, with more than 350,000 given their first choice. Ucas said the total number of applicants was expected to top 500,000 for the first time.

The Department for Education's results measure, known as the English baccalaureate or EBacc, has also nudged schools and students towards taking subjects included in it, such as languages, history or geography.

The education secretary, Nicky Morgan, said: "I'm delighted to see more students, especially young women, studying maths and sciences and teachers having more time to push pupils to achieve the very top grades. This will help them secure the top jobs, regardless of their background, and secure a brighter future."

There was also a rise in the numbers taking computing – although the numbers of women entering for A-levels in the subject remained disappointing.

John Cridland, the CBI's director general, said: "The fact that only 7.5% of candidates are female shows that computing is still seen as a closed shop to young women, so we need action now to address this. We're seeing some progress on gender balance in other traditionally male-dominated subjects like physics, so it can be done."

The Guardian visits Bsix sixth-form college in Clapton, east London, as students receive their results

Meanwhile, subjects seen as softer options, such as general studies, have been abandoned. General studies suffered a 24% drop in entries, while PE and political studies also saw double-digit falls.

French was among the subjects that suffered a steep fall in entries, down by 7% year on year, but exam board heads said modern language entries were on the rise at AS-level, the ourses that make up the first year of A-levels.

Tristram Hunt, the shadow education secretary, said the government's decision to scrap AS-levels as part of A-level courses from 2015 was misguided and repeated his pledge to stop the move if Labour won the election next year.

"The decision to scrap the link between AS- and A-level qualifications will reduce opportunities for many young people who want to go to university. This government also has no plan whatsoever for the forgotten 50% of young people not choosing that route – we need more options for university-level vocational study so more young people can take qualifications that help them into the labour market," Hunt said.

"We need to ensure our qualifications are rigorous and fair and, as secretary of state, I would insist on nothing less. So I would stop this Tory plan to scrap the link between AS- and A-levels, which would leave young people without the opportunity to reach the highest standards and realise their full potential."

The government's free-school programme received a boost when the London Academy of Excellence, the first free school in England to see its sixth formers sit A-levels, announced that 40% of its pupils received at least AAB grades in three heavyweight subjects, making it instantly one of the best state sixth-form colleges in the country.

The free school opened in Stratford, east London, in 2011, and is backed by a consortium of eight independent schools including Eton and Brighton College, as well as HSBC bank. It draws most of its students from some of the most deprived areas of London. Four of its students have won places at Oxford and Cambridge.

Overall, some 26% of exam entries were awarded an A* or A grade, a decline of 0.3 percentage points compared with last year, making it the third consecutive year that the proportion gaining the two top grades has fallen.

The proportion of A* to E grades awarded fell slightly, to 98%. It was the first fall since 1982.

"This is an insignificant drop of just 0.1 of a percent in the pass rate from A* to E. We are never going to get a pass rate of 100% and we should not expect one. An exam which no one fails would not be worth much. This figure indicates stability much more than change," a Department for Education spokesman said.

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