The Big Transport Debate

  • Railway ticket trapped in fence

    What your politics says about your public transport choices

    We asked Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Ukip supporters what they like and dislike about public transport
  • Tram in Lisbon

    How do politics affect your views on public transport?

    A survey on how voters feel about different types of transport demonstrates how fundamentally we all conform to type, writes Hannah Fearn

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The Big Transport Debate

  • Good, integrated transport links bring untold benefits, but the UK still has a long way to go. Our bus, cycle, car, train, ferry and plane networks each face their own challenges, but what we really need is a people-centred, smart and sustainable travel system spanning the entire country.

    The Guardian has teamed up with Transport for London, Transport for Greater Manchester, London Gatwick and The Transport Systems Catapult to lead a Big Transport Debate that will engage and inform everyone involved. This page will be our hub for news, views and debate on the future of transport in the UK.

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