Results for #Pistorius

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  2. Apartheid might be 'over' but is lucky to get rich white man's justice. Hate to imagine what he would have copped if he was black

  3. Footage showed firing Black Talon bullets at a watermelon which exploded. But he didn't 'foresee' what they'd do to a person? No.

  4. Before you commit a crime make sure you're a Celebrity like ....

  5. Prosecution says it's disappointed with the culpable homocide verdict. Will consider appealing.

  6. Also wouldnt you check your partner was in or out of bed before you went shooting the place up

  7. Majority of tweets re demonstrate many didn't follow the trial but are willing to offer up their expert opinion

  8. Folk in Lawley Road, Waterkloof, Pretoria aren't going to get much sleep tonight. Uncle Arnold's Par-tay!

  9. Nel: not in the interests of justice, accused should not be released on bail

  10. Dear abusers: Make up any goddamned lie. We'll believe you! It's only women's lives at stake, after all

  11. Nothing to celebrate but finally, I think, justice has been served with fairness and decency after a dismal run by the state.

  12. Dude blatantly shoots his wanting to leave him girlfriend and it's only manslaughter

  13. Soon (but not today) will be sentenced. He can get up to 15 years in prison; he can get no prison time at all.

  14. If you wanna shoot someone, do it behind a door therefore it is a negligent mistake apparently

  15. Oscar has been found guilty of the culpable homicide of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp

  16. Oscar found guilty of culpable homicide over shooting of Reeva Steenkamp in 2013

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