Results for #OscarPistorius

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  1. Photos · View all
  2. You know our justice system has fallen when you realise that Sanele May is imprisoned and is close to being a free man

  3. A warning shot is fired into the ceiling not at d person behind a door!

  4. It's amazing how many people are not paying attention to the facts but basing their disbelief purely on emotion. verdict

  5. Is it odd that address has just been read out live on TV??

  6. Roux confirms he's been staying with his uncle for past 18 months.

  7. So, a trained gun handler couldnt forsee shooting 4 black talon bullets into a confined space would kill someone. Riiiight..

  8. Somebody who is trained in using a gun could not forsee the consequences of firing. Um shooting can lead to killing.

  9. sits, rubs his face, and slumps briefly forwards. Not much emotion in court. We knew this verdict was coming.

  10. If you want to kill your partner... make sure a door separates you and make sure you pray to God and cry after.

  11. Just stepping away from Twitter to be in front of camera. Back soon.

  12. "A message to all White Women on planet Earth from men of Color; We share a common foe. Wealthy Caucasian Males"

  13. So if you fire a gun it cannot be expected that you will kill someone. Amazing!

  14. Judge says behaviour after killing was not that of someone who'd committed murder.

  15. Never heard a judge read a verdict including punctuation marks. verdict

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