About the Guardian big transport debate

Join us as we discuss the need for a unified UK transport system and how to create it
What will be the next big thing in UK transport?
What will be the next big thing in UK transport? Photograph: Reso/Rex Features

In April, Guardian reader John Norman posed a simple question. How long, he asked, would it take to travel throughout the UK mainland rail network visiting every station?

Responses came thick and fast, with calculations based on the UK's 2,700 national rail stations, its 10,000 miles of rail routes, and so on. But the wittiest answer was: "Depends. Are you going by car?"

This neatly illustrates the complexity of planning an integrated transport system fit for the mid-21st century. Our bus, cycle, car, train, ferry and plane networks each face their own challenges over funding, planning, delivery and resources – but the really big challenge is to create a people-centred, smart, sustainable and, above all, safe travel system.

The Guardian has teamed up with Transport for London, Transport for Greater Manchester, London Gatwick and The Transport Systems Catapult to lead a big transport debate. Our Public Leaders Network will serve as a hub for the debate, bringing together all those involved in transport. From policymakers to passengers, from city planners to open data experts, our big transport campaign will engage and inform the thinking of politicians in the runup to the general election of 2015.

We'll be looking at the need to create sustainable funding for transport, based on a long-term vision from government. We will look at passengers' experiences as they move through different transport networks and we will consider the role of information, technology and open data in creating a better and more sustainable travel system. We'll be asking whether existing transport bodies are ready to move to a more integrated approach and what we all need to do to break barriers down.

As well as regular content published on the network, we will be running high-level debates on the future of transport at all three major party conferences in the autumn, preceded by a debate in the heart of Westminster. Use the hashtag #bigtransportdebate to join the discussion, part of Guardian Big Ideas 2014.

In the big transport debate series:
• What we northerners want for our railways
• What government should do to make the roads safer for cyclists
• Boris Johnson's London orbital railway – is it a good idea?
• Why the north of England needs a new transport plan
• Five of the best transport tweeters to follow on Twitter
• Don't hold out for driverless cars – we need to prevent accidents now
• What your politics says about your public transport choices
• How does your political allegiance affect your views on public transport?
• It may be too fanciful an idea, but how about banning car ownership?

All content is editorially independent except pieces labelled "advertisement feature". Find out more.

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