IPS – Inter Press Service News Agency
August 14th, 2014

IPS Asia-Pacific editor and staff writer Kanya D’Almeida was invited to participate in a historic gathering in Cape Town, South Africa – the quadrennial meeting of the 93-year-old War Resister’s International (WRI) – from July 4 to 8.

IPS Asia-Pacific editor and staff writer Kanya D’Almeida participates in a theme group on climate change at the War Resisters International conference in Cape Town, July 4-8, 2014. Credit: Ecosocialist Horizons

IPS Asia-Pacific editor and staff writer Kanya D’Almeida participates in a theme group on climate change at the War Resisters International conference in Cape Town, July 4-8, 2014. Credit: Ecosocialist Horizons

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More about: Africa
August 14th, 2014

IPS UN Correspondent Joan Erakit was invited by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to be part of a seven-week media mission to Haiti, Sierra Leone, Niger, Ethiopia, Burundi, Madagascar and Laos. Erakit travelled to remote areas within each country to look specifically at reproductive health and family planning.

UN Correspondent Joan Erakit interviews young women about early marriage, reproductive health and education at a “Safe House” in Niamey, Niger. July 4, 2014. Credit: Joan Erakit

UN Correspondent Joan Erakit interviews young women about early marriage, reproductive health and education at a “Safe House” in Niamey, Niger. July 4, 2014. Credit: Joan Erakit

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More about: Africa
June 26th, 2014

During his visits to New York and Johannesburg in May and early June, IPS Director General Ramesh Jaura attended the Board meetings of IPS North America and IPS Africa, and was confirmed as a new board member of the two regional organizations. He availed of the opportunity to interact with colleagues based in New York and reporting from the United Nations as well as those operating from Johannesburg, South Africa.

Ramesh Jaura (second from left) with IPS Africa staff and some board members from left to right, Tafadzwa Rafemoyo, Nqabomzi Bikitsha, Govin Reddy (outgoing IPS Africa Board Chairperson), Paula Fray, Kervine Phiri, Kudzai Makombe and Nalisha Adams.

Ramesh Jaura (second from left) with IPS Africa staff and some board members from left to right, Tafadzwa Rafemoyo, Nqabomzi Bikitsha, Govin Reddy (outgoing IPS Africa Board Chairperson), Paula Fray, Kervine Phiri, Kudzai Makombe and Nalisha Adams.

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More about: Africa, Global
June 1st, 2014

Introducing IPS to United Nations organizations in Vienna and charting out a strategy to bridge these to the world body’s headquarters in New York was an important objective of IPS Director General Ramesh Jaura’s visit May 14-16 to the Austrian capital. He was accompanied and supported by Ambassador Dr. Walther Lichem, Vice Chair of the Inter Press Service (IPS) International Association, the world’s leading information and communication channel for promoting the global agenda and global governance.


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More about: Global, United Nations
May 31st, 2014

Twenty-three journalists and civil society communicators from Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay attended the seminar “Other faces of inequality: inequity, corruption and the informal economy in South America” organised May 22-23 by IPS Latin America in the Chilean cities of Santiago, Valparaíso and Viña del Mar.

Successful seminar on inequality, corruption and the informal economy Twenty-three journalists and civil society communicators from Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay attended the seminar “Other faces of inequality: inequity, corruption and the informal economy in South America” organised May 22-23 by IPS Latin America in the Chilean cities of Santiago, Valparaíso and Viña del Mar.

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More about: Latin America, Poverty & MDGs

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