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Frontex Risk Analysis Report for Q1 2014 published

Compared to the first quarter of 2013, in Q1 2014 Italy reported a sevenfold increase in illegal border-crossings, while numbers in Greece more than doubled. Detections at Italy’s sea border represented almost 50% of all detected illegal ... more


Call for Expressions of Interest: Pool of Experts on Automated Border Control

The Frontex Research and Development Unit (RDU) invites relevant candidates to express their interest in participating in a pool of experts in the field of Automated Border Control (ABC). Interested experts are invited to submit their ... more


Feature stories

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Self-Collection — A New Way of Returns

When a joint return flight took off from Lille, France, bound for Albania in May it represented a new first for Frontex: though the organising member state was France, the escorts, the on board doctor and a fundamental rights officer were ... more



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Search and rescue - JO Hermes, Lampedusa 2013

Search and rescue - JO Hermes, Lampedusa 2013


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Operational cycle
