Powering Africa: the paradox of being resource rich and access poor

With access to electricity at 17%, Africa may be rising but for how much longer? Join our expert panel on 8 May to debate the challenge of providing sustainable energy to all
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Children studying at night using a flame on a stick. How could regular affordable energy change educ
Children in Kisima, Kenya studying at night using a flame on a stick. How could regular affordable energy change education? Photograph: Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images

Speaking at Skoll World Forum in April 2014, Nigerian banker and philanthropist Tony Elumelu said the next big challenge for Africa would be tackling the lack of electricity.

Africa is home to nearly 1 billion people, accounts for over a sixth of the world's population, but generates only 4% of global electricity. On a continent full of natural resource wealth, where economic growth outpaces most other regions of the world, the fact that is often referred to as 'the dark continent' - with access to electrity in sub-Saharn African only at 17% - is worrisome. So what is being done about it?

As well as the myriad of projects supported by the African Development Bank or the World Bank, the Obama administration has also committed $7bn to an initiative intended to double access to energy in the next five years. However, observers have already said the amount is "a drop in the bucket of what's needed." According to the International Energy Agency, sub-Saharan Africa will require more than $300bn to achieve universal electricity access by 2030.

With a challenge of this scale, what is the kind of innovation and investment necessary? Is there room for new forms of partnership and new forms of energy to accelerate progress? With African businesses experiencing on average 56 days of power outages a year, will growth be sustained if access to energy is not addressed? Join us on Thursday 8 May from 1pm - 3pm BST to discuss these and other questions.

The live chat is not video or audio-enabled but will take place in the comments section (below). Get in touch via globaldevpros@theguardian.com or @GuardianGDP on Twitter to recommend someone for our expert panel. Follow the discussion using the hashtag #globaldevlive.


Dickens Kamugisha, CEO, Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AIEG), Kampala, Uganda, @AfiegoUg
Dickens is an advocate of the High Court of Uganda and as head of NGO AIEG campaigns for better energy policies in the country.

Rolake Akinkugbe, head of energy and natural resources coverage, FBN Capital, Lagos, Nigeria, @rolakeakinkugbe
Rolake is an energy and resource specialist in financial services and the former head of energy research at pan-African Ecobank.

Jen Olson, deputy director, US government relations, ONE, Washington DC, USA, @jsolson
Jen was legislative director to US Senator Lindsey Graham from 2003 to 2010. She joined the ONE campaign against extreme poverty in 2012.

Joshua Pierce, co-founder, Off.Grid:Electric, Arusha, Tanzania, @offgridE
Joshua spent 15 years in California's renewable energy industry before launching Off.Grid:Electric in east Africa.

Djimingue Nanasta, programme manager, ENDA Energy, Dakar, Senegal, @djimnasta
Djimingue campaigns for climate-proof development and access to sustainable energy services in Africa.

Elizabeth O'Grady, business development associate, PowerGen Renewable Energy, Nairobi, Kenya
PowerGen is a Nairobi-based company that designs, implements and maintains wind and solar systems in east Africa.

Bob Bruce, electricity supply industry advisor, west Africa, Glenton Bruce Energy Consultants, Perthshire, UK
Bob is a consultant to the UK's Department for International Development on energy in Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

Davit Davitian, director, international business development, SolePower, Pittsburgh, USA, @solepowertech
Davit leads international business development efforts for SolePower, which won innovator of the year at the Africa Energy Awards.

Don Niss, deputy coordinator, Power Africa and Trade Africa, USAid, Washington, DC
Power Africa is President Obama's initiative to increase the amount of electricity in sub-Saharan Africa.

John Heath, senior power sector adviser, Adam Smith International, Ripon, UK, @heathwillow
John is an energy and utilities consultant working in development.

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World Economic Forum on Africa livestream

Watch a livestream of the World Economic Forum on Africa session on Engaging in Energy at 1.30pm BST on Friday 9 May:

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