Dealing with risk

  • a young computer expert studying at an internet security training centre

    13 ways to protect your NGO from hacking and surveillance

    Internet security is often not top priority, but following our panel's tips could protect you from a cyber catastrophe Sponsored by Clements

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Guardian Global Development Professionals Network and the Gates Foundation

  • This professional network is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The content is determined by The Guardian and is editorially independent. Its purpose is to stimulate debate, discussion and learning among global development professionals. It aims to link to the best content on the web and to promote the sharing of research and ideas. Unless otherwise stated, all statements and materials posted on the professional network website, including any statements regarding specific legislation, reflect the views of the individual contributors and not those of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or the Guardian.

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From Guardian Global Development

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  • Guardian Professional Networks

    Guardian Professional Networks are community-focused sites, where we bring together advice, best practice and insight from a wide range of professional communities.

    Some of our specialist hubs within these sites are supported by funding from external companies and organisations. All editorial content is independent of any sponsorship, unless otherwise clearly stated. We make Partner Zones available for sponsors' own content. Guardian Professional is a division of Guardian News & Media