
Stock chart for MORRISON SUPMKT

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One Month Chart for MORRISON SUPMKT
Two Month Chart for MORRISON SUPMKT
Three Month Chart for MORRISON SUPMKT
Six Month Chart for MORRISON SUPMKT
Year to date Chart for MORRISON SUPMKT
One Year Chart for MORRISON SUPMKT
Three Year Chart for MORRISON SUPMKT
Five Year Chart for MORRISON SUPMKT
Price 177.70p Currency GBp
Trade time 12:55 GMT Volume 6624776
Name MORRISON SUPMKT Bid 177.60p
Net change -0.1p Ask 177.70p
-0.06% Earnings -10.27p
Close 177.80p Yield 7.418
Open 178.30p P/E Ratio 0.00
Today's low 177.60p Dividend 13.19p
Today's high 181.10p Expiry date 01 October 2014
Year low 164.60p Pay date 10 November 2014
Year high 262.50p Exchange LSE
Last updated 12:55:00

Source: Thomson Reuters

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