Five ministers departing David Cameron's team

It's farewell to Owen Paterson, Dominic Grieve, David Willetts, Damian Green and David Jones. But how did they do?
Cabinet Meeting at Downing St, London, Britain - 24 June 2014
Owen Paterson attending a cabinet meeting last month. Photograph: REX

Owen Paterson

Has had mixed reviews as environment secretary. Green campaigners were rejoicing over the departure of the climate sceptic, while the National Farmers' Union was downcast at the exit of a cabinet minister who consistently stuck up for rural areas.

The former manager of a leather business and MP for North Shropshire only took on the role from his previous job of Northern Ireland secretary in September 2012, as one of several new rightwingers aimed at placating a growing anti-windfarm mood among Conservative backbenchers.

Since then, he has presided over several controversies, including slow handling of the winter floods, the horsemeat scandal and the failure of the project he appeared to feel mostly passionately about – the badger cull.

Regarded as relatively outspoken, he is perhaps best known for replying, when asked about difficulties with the cull: "The badgers have moved the goalposts."

Britain's Attorney General Dominic Grieve aruncil, at 10 Downing Street in London Dominic Grieve arrives for a meeting of the National Security Council in Downing Street last year. Photograph: Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters

Dominic Grieve

Is the country's most senior law officer who is expected to be leaving the government along with his deputy, the solicitor-general Oliver Heald.

Known for being unfailing polite, Grieve has been a moderating influence on those in the party who have wanted to defy the European court of human rights on issues such as votes for prisoners.

His departure makes it more likely that the Conservatives will attempt to leave the convention.

During his time in the job, Grieve has actively enforced the laws of contempt and blocked the release of letters to ministers from Prince Charles.

Shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan was one of those paying tribute to him on Twitter, saying he is "an excellent lawyer & was one of the few in the govt who knew about rule of law".

The MP for Beaconsfield since 1997 was one of four cabinet ministers who abstained in the same-sex marriage vote last year and had to apologise after saying that corruption was endemic in parts of the Pakistani community.

A QC specialising in health and safety law, he once tracked down a burglar that stole items from his Kensington home.

DAVID WILLETTS David Willetts at last year's Conservative party conference in Manchester. Photograph: David Gadd/Sportsphoto Ltd/Allstar

David Willetts

The man known in the party as "two brains" and credited with coming up with many of the intellectual ideas behind David Cameron's brand of modern conservatism – combining free market capitalism with a softer social agenda.

The universities and science minister, who is said to have resigned rather than been sacked, has been in post since the coalition formed in 2010, overseeing the complex work of bringing in the new student fees system.

However, he has come under fire in recent months over the potential for a huge black hole at the heart of university funding, as students are repaying their loans more slowly than expected.

One of his main interests is the concept of intergenerational unfairness. The MP for Havant since 1992, who worked in the No 10 policy unit under Margaret Thatcher, has written a book called: The Pinch: How the baby boomers took their children's future – and why they should give it back.

Conservative MP Damian Green Damian Green. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA

Damian Green

His sacking as policing minister has caused the greatest shock of the reshuffle, as he is highly regarded by many Conservative colleagues.

A former journalist who also worked in John Major's policy unit, Green entered parliament as the MP for Ashford in 1997 and later served on the shadow transport, education, home affairs teams.

However, he is best known for being at the centre of a huge controversy in 2008 when he was arrested and suspicion of "aiding and abetting misconduct in public office" and "conspiring to commit misconduct in a public office" over the leak of material from the Home Office to journalists that embarrassed the last government over immigration.

Jacqui Smith, the then home secretary, was said not to have known about the arrest or the search of his Commons office.

Cabinet Meeting at Downing St, London, Britain - 24 Jun 2014 David Jones entering Downing Street last month. Photograph: Ben Cawthra/LNP/REX

David Jones

Became a rare Conservative secretary of state for Wales to represent a Welsh constituency when he took over in 2012 from Cheryl Gillan.

A rightwinger, he abstained on the issue of gay marriage having been criticised for saying same-sex couples "clearly" cannot provide "warm and safe environment" in which to raise children.

Although he brought forward greater tax raising and borrowing powers for Wales, he was also heavily critical of the Labour administration in Cardiff.

His expected replacement, Stephen Crabb, is a former whip who has already been described by the Welsh first minister as "someone we can do business with". Before he became MP for Clwyd West in 2005, Jones was senior partner in his own legal practice in Llandudno.

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