UK's world-class astronomy project faces closure

The UK's world-class network of radio telescopes run by the Jodrell Bank observatory is facing closure as last minute efforts failed to find the £40m needed to run it.

Work at Jodrell Bank, based at the University of Manchester, has put the UK at number two in the world for the study of stars and planets. It has been credited with some of the most important astronomical discoveries in the past 50 years including providing the most accurate proof of Einstein's theory of relativity. The Merlin network of radio telescopes that it runs is the only ground-based facility in the world that can match the resolution of the Hubble space telescope.

Its future was thrown into doubt earlier this week when the UK's main physics funding body announced it may have to cut funding for the telescopes to help plug an £80m hole in its budget.

As first reported on, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), which distributes around £678m a year in public funds for physics and research facilities, said that Merlin and its upgrade e-Merlin are among its lowest priority projects.

The STFC is looking to make savings after last year's spending review left it £80m worse off.

The council said it would consult with scientists before deciding to axe the project and it was in discussions with Manchester University and the Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA) to try to save it.

However, a source at Manchester said today it would not be able to find the extra money needed and the NWDA said it would not provide any more money for the project.

The university and the NWDA have contributed £8m to upgrading the telescopes on the understanding that the STFC would pay the £30m-40m to run them. The upgraded telescopes were due to be completed next year.

"We can't afford to it," said the university source. "We hope to find funding from elsewhere but don't know how likely this is.

"If Merlin does not run, Jodrell Bank does not exist," the source added.

A spokesman for the NWDA said: "We have put in £2.5m of taxpayers' money to fund the physical infrastructure of Merlin. We have no intention of putting any more money in to fund the science. We put the money in on the understanding that the STFC would pay for the science.

"It will be very disappointing if this project closes. It's not just about taxpayers' money. This is an iconic astronomy project. We had plans to use it as an education tool to try and attract school children into science."

Phil Diamond, the director of Jodrell Bank, said the £8m spent so far on upgrading the telescopes would go to waste. He said the cuts to science that the STFC is making to plug the £80 hole in its budget are "all out of proportion".

"This will be very damaging to UK radio astronomy. Our international reputation will suffer. We are currently number two in the world for radio astronomy," he said.

He added: "It's a national facility so scientists from all over the UK and from the rest of the world come here to use it."

Astronomers reacted with anger to the announcement, which was made at a meeting on Monday. One member of the audience at the meeting said the STFC's decision on Merlin "beggars belief".

Prof Michael Rowan-Robinson, president of the Royal Astronomical Society, said: "It's shocking to see so many projects on the STFC's low priority list."

The Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills said it could not comment on a decision that has not yet been taken.

The spokesman said: "We have no plans to give the STFC any extra cash."

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