University Forum 2014 programme

Taking the theme, Competing on a Global Stage, our 2014 Forum will address UK higher education at home and abroad

Further sessions and speakers to be confirmed

09.00 - 9.30: Registration and refreshments

09.30 - 9.40: Introduction and welcome from the chair

Sue Littlemore, education journalist and former BBC education correspondent

09.40 - 10.10: Keynote presentation

Presentation of the exclusive findings of the Guardian's YouGov poll.

Gavin Ellison, director, public sector, YouGov
Ian Neale, associate director, public sector, YouGov

10.15 - 11:00: Road to 2015 – what next for HE policy?

A year away from the next general election, what can vice-chancellors and universities expect for future higher education policy? Following a presentation from political leaders, there will be a Q&A session with a panel of experts.

Dawn Foster, journalist, Guardian Comment is Free (chair)
Sir John O'Reilly, director general knowledge & innovation, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP, shadow minister for higher education
Toni Pearce, president, NUS
Nicola Dandridge, chief executive, Universities UK
Professor Madeleine Atkins, chief executive, HEFCE

11.00- 11.30: Coffee break and networking

11.35 - 12.15: Fostering student innovation and entrepreneurship

In today's hugely competitive job market, recent graduates are looking to set themselves apart or pave their own way. What is the role of universities in fostering student innovation and entrepreneurship?

Judy Friedberg, universities editor, Guardian News & Media (chair)
Hushpreet Dhaliwal, chief executive, National Association of College and University Entrepreneurs
Professor Steve West, chair, University Alliance
Peter Brewin, founding director, Concrete Canvas
Lord Karan Bilimoria, founder of Cobra Beer and National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship

12.15 - 13.00: Lunch break (lunch provided)

13.05 -13.35: Keynote presentation – How do universities change?

David Watson assesses the current state of discourse about higher education in a global context, exploring ideas about the causes and consequences of perceived and predicted change. How have claims made of university foundations and what they do to and for students varied over time? What challenges face leadership, management, teaching and research in contemporary universities, and what are their prospects for survival and prosperity?

Professor Sir David Watson, principal, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford

13.40 - 14.25: Exporting educational excellence

The UK education exports industry was recently valued at £17.5bn and growth is predicted to continue. Emerging powers have a strong appetite to partner with UK universities. How can universities capitalise on these opportunities while ensuring their brand and reputation stay strong?

Wendy Berliner, head of editorial, Guardian Professional Networks (chair)
Carolyn Campbell, head of international, QAA
Dr Kevin Van-Cauter, higher education adviser, British Council
Professor David Greenaway, vice-chancellor, University of Nottingham
Anne Marie Graham, head of outward mobility programme, UK International Unit

14.25 - 14.45: Afternoon refreshments

14.50 - 15.30: Immigration and higher education

The UK is one of the most popular destinations for internationally mobile students, second only to the US. How is our immigration policy impacting university recruitment, both of students and world class researchers?

Nancy Groves, editor, Guardian Higher Education Network (chair)
Dr David Stevens, head of international recruitment, University College London
Daniel Stevens, international officer, National Union of Students
Dr Scott Blinder, director, The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford
Professor Nigel Seaton, principal and vice-chancellor, Abertay University

15.35 - 16.05: International keynote presentation
Dr Pericles Lewis, president, Yale – NUS College

16.05: Chair's closing remarks

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  • QAA


    Safeguarding standards and improving the quality of UK higher education

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