BPP University

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  • 28 Aug 2014:

    Studying law at undergraduate level is impressive – but genuine passion impresses employers most, whatever route you take

  • 10 Nov 2013:

    Students who choose to go a private university may find fees compare well to the alternative

  • New trainees at the Siemens training centre 8 Oct 2013:

    If the government were to offer incentives to employers to engage with schools and students then British apprenticeships could compete with the best in Europe.

  • 1 Oct 2013:

    Young people who take apprenticeships are more likely to stay in work, pay more taxes and live longer – and yet their worth is often undersold by employers and schools.

  • 30 Sep 2013: Letters: A university experience is not simply about gaining knowledge for a profession but about developing broader awareness, skills and perspectives
  • BPP Business School 4 Jun 2013:

    Our at-a-glance guide to BPP University

  • 28 Nov 2012:

    Andrew McGettigan: Investors rather than students may really be the true beneficiaries from the creation of 10 new universities

  • 1 Oct 2012: Business is booming in private higher education. So why are providers starting to grumble?

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