Lindsay Lohan 'sued for publicity', claim Grand Theft Auto makers

Rockstar Games rebuts suit alleging infringement of image rights and privacy by dismissing similarities between actor and character, and alleges Lohan is simply seeking publicity.

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Lindsay Lohan and Grand Theft Auto's Lacey Jonas
Lindsay Lohan and Grand Theft Auto’s Lacey Jonas. Photograph: Getty Images/Rockstar Games

Lindsay Lohan has been accused of seeking publicity by the makers of Grand Theft Auto after the actor sued, claiming the video game breaches her image rights. Take-Two Interactive Software and subsidiary Rockstar Games described the suit as frivolous and demanded that a New York judge dismiss Lohan’s case, which was filed in July over an alleged likeness to the character Lacey Jonas.

“Lindsay Lohan complains that her image and persona have been wrongfully used by Take-Two in the video game Grand Theft Auto V, but her claim is so legally meritless that it lacks any good-faith basis, and can only have been filed for publicity purposes,” the defendants said in court papers filed on 20 August. They also noted that Lohan recently lost a legal battle against the rapper Pitbull for using her name in lyrics, and argued that the two cases were similar.

Lindsay Lohan sues 'Grand Theft Auto V' makers over Lacey Jonas character #GTAV

— IBNLive Tech (@IBNLiveTech) July 3, 2014

Lacey Jonas is described as a famous actor and minor character in Grand Theft Auto V, which was released in September 2013. Players meet Jonas in an alley in downtown “Vinewood” where she is hiding from the paparazzi. She asks to be driven home and, during the ride, Jonas complains about the problems of being famous and reveals she is anorexic. The character bears a strong physical resemblance to Lohan, especially on the front cover of the Grand Theft Auto game, where the character appears holding a mobile phone.

In the lawsuit, which was filed at the New York supreme court, Lohan claimed Rockstar used her voice, image and outfits from her clothing label without permission. She cited the game’s inclusion of Chateau Marmont Hotel in West Hollywood, where the actor once lived, as evidence of image rights violation and claimed unspecified damages on grounds of privacy.

Take Two argues the only similarity between Lohan and Jonas is that both are young, blonde women.

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