I'm a prisoner of academia

Only being qualified for lecturing and research leaves me in a job I don't like and am not good at
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Leatherbound Books
The world of learning: "I don’t want to have my whole life revolve around my job, as all the successful academics I know do." Photograph: Adam Woolfitt/Corbis

Twice a week we publish problems that will feature in a forthcoming Dear Jeremy advice column in the Saturday Guardian so that readers can offer their own advice and suggestions. We then print the best of your comments alongside Jeremy's own insights. Here is the latest dilemma – what are your thoughts?

I have worked as a temporary lecturer in a university history department for the past two years. I've been having doubts about a career in academia for some time; I don't feel that my research is a "calling" and don't want to have my whole life revolve around my job, as all the successful academics I know do.

I'm currently turning my doctoral thesis (which I finished a year ago) into a book. In the process, I've found that it's full of serious errors, largely due to the fact I failed to check it properly in the rush and stress of final submission.

This feels like another confirmation that I'm not suitable for this job, and not up to it. I really want to leave next autumn (when my contract ends), but feel totally lost. I did a PhD straight after my undergraduate degree, so I've never worked in any other sector.

I love the teaching part of my job, but know that schoolteaching is very different, and I'm not sure I'm suited for teaching young teenagers (my family agree). I feel trapped and fear I might never find a job at all, let alone something I enjoy.

I can't go on like this. I cry most days, can't sleep at night and my GP has put me on antidepressants, but I can't see a clear way out. All I'm qualified for is a job I don't like and which I'm bad at.

Do you need advice on a work issue? For Jeremy's and readers' help, send a brief email to dear.jeremy@theguardian.com. Please note that he is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or to reply personally.

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Problems at work? Our agony uncle – and you the readers – have the answers. Send your queries to dear.jeremy@ theguardian.com Chosen problems will appear on the Work blog where readers will offer their thoughts. The best advice, along with Jeremy's own insights, will appear in Saturday's Guardian Money section. Please note Jeremy is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or reply personally to your email
