Freshers' week

Women's writing groups: five reasons to start one

Collectives help like-minded women move up the career ladder and add the fun back into writing, says Karen Schucan Bird
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Time to add the fun back into writing? Photograph: Hans Neleman/zefa/Corbis

I'm establishing a women's writing collective at the Institute of Education. This will be a women-only space dedicated to promoting and supporting women's writing. So far, the idea has generated a lot of interest, most of it positive. I'm pleasantly surprised – I was anticipating at least a handful of disparaging responses or flippant references to hippy collectives of the 1970s. Indeed, in a competitive academic environment, the idea of a women's writing collective is provocative, and intentionally so.

Such a group recognises the value of bringing like-minded women together in the pursuit of individual or collaborative writing endeavours. It recognises the existence of gender-specific barriers to writing and publishing in academia and presents a radical departure from the gender-neutral initiatives that modern universities often provide to encourage us to write (read: publish).

As a collective, the group is aimed at women who share a common interest in writing and is organised and driven by the research interests of all those who attend. And, yes, the collective is also intended to recognise the value and progress made by those university women's groups – writing or otherwise – that have preceded us.

In developing the idea of the writing group, I sought to identify other such networks in universities. I wanted to learn from best practice. What is the optimal size for a group? How often should we meet? And what format should our sessions take? Given the positive response to the idea in my own university, I was convinced that other such groups must be in operation elsewhere.

So far, my online search has been in vain. I have not been able to identify a single women's writing group within a UK university. Perhaps they are hidden from external view because they are informal, discreet affairs with lunchtime meetings (though if I can't find you, how do other people?). Perhaps they have simply gone out of fashion. Whatever the reason, I find myself spreading the word and seeking to inspire a network of women's writing collectives.

If you are already running a group then please do share your experience in the comments below. And if you are not, here are five good reasons for setting one up in your university or institution:

1) Writing groups work
Evidence suggests that writing support groups have a positive impact on publication rates and provide members of the group with the support, encouragement and motivation.

2) Collectives can support individuals
Writing and publishing research is an integral part of academia and studies remind us that the productivity of individual scholars affects their academic status and success. With evidence that women don't publish as much men, any initiative that actively encourage women's writing also serves to enhance their career development.

3) We need a gender-specific approach
Research suggests that there are a range of gender-specific barriers that inhibit women's writing potential (roles in the university that see women adopt greater teaching and pastoral responsibilities with a lower priority for research and dissemination activities, for example).

4) Writing groups are an achievable goal
While there are a wide range of structural or organisational factors that inhibit women's writing potential (time, energy, desire), an informal, regular meeting with colleagues is a pragmatic and viable measure that we can all take.

5) Let's rediscover the pleasure of writing
In an academic culture that is driven by productivity, a women's writing collective can remind us that writing is also a satisfying and pleasant endeavour. Moreover, a women's group can provide a platform to explore and encourage new and innovative types of writing and dissemination of researchers' work.

Karen Schucan Bird is a research officer at the Institute of Education and Social Research – follow the IOE on Twitter @IOE_London

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