Wanted: academic employer who is ready to commit

Postdoc diaries: job-seeking graduates Mel and Dean turn to networking and publishing to impress prospective university employers
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Dean D'Souza
Dean D'Souza is thinking of how to get the most out of networking. Photograph: Birkbeck, University of London

Dean D'Souza, PhD in cognitive neuroscience

Although the Williams Syndrome Foundation has agreed to fund my research in the short term, and although I'm currently focusing on finishing off my thesis and submitting papers, I've recently been thinking about the longer term.

I could wait for interesting postdoc opportunities to arise, but this seems too passive. I'd prefer to create opportunities. One way of doing this is through meeting potential collaborators and employers, such as the person I mentioned in my second blog. Sounds simple enough. But appearances can be deceptive.

"Networking is a bit like dating," my girlfriend wryly commented, after I pointed out how important it is in finding jobs in science.

She knows my dating track record, and that the analogy does not bode well for me. I've managed only three dates in my life – one was awkward, two were very awkward. And there's no evidence that my networking experience would be any better.

I've already found someone who has a lab at a world-class university, and who likes my project enough to want to apply for funding with me. Should I continue to see other people, until I'm in a proper relationship?

And if multi-dating is allowed, then will I be successful at it? I don't want to stalk, annoy or harass anyone, or come across as desperate and overbearing. I don't want to spoil anyone's conference by chasing after them with a research proposal.

Americans seem to have networking down to a T. I remember attending scientific meetings in New York and California, watching young American scientists queue up after every presentation to talk to the speaker. The few Europeans just took a sip from their tea or coffee, and waited for the next presentation. I felt that we were losing out and wasting opportunities.

One of the speakers – a huge name in our field – heard that I did research in her area, and came over and introduced herself. Why couldn't I do that? We found a quiet place away from the tumult of caffeine-drunk scientists, where we discussed our research and exchanged ideas. It was great!

The problem I have is that networking feels contrived. But it shouldn't. We all have something to offer. Besides, it should be fun. Not every pickup line or date will work. But it's worth finding out what people do or are interested in.

I'm giving a talk at a major international conference this summer. It's a good place to start. Here's one thing I learned: on my first ever date, the person I met turned out to be much younger than me. It was awkward. Sitting in that posh Italian restaurant. Me, with my hair gelled back, in a new dark suit. My date: dirty blonde hair in dreads, a grungy t-shirt and torn-up jeans. So before I begin networking, I will remember to do my research first!

Goal for May: Submit thesis and prepare talk.

Mel Rohse Mel Rohse is hoping to turn her thesis into a published book. Photograph: University of Bradford

Mel Rohse, PhD in peace studies

I had my viva at the end of April and successfully defended my thesis. But let's rewind to the beginning of April. The runup to the viva was a real test of my resilience. I was excited about the prospect of meeting my external examiner and looking forward to completing my PhD. Submitting the thesis was a huge stage in the process but I always knew it wasn't quite the end – and now I could allow myself to think of graduation and celebrating with friends and family.

For three weeks I was on an emotional rollercoaster. There is much advice online about "surviving" the viva, which makes it seem like a trial to overcome. At the British Sociological Association postgraduate day, the consensus from students in the room was that the viva instilled fear and apprehension in candidates, coupled with anxieties of not being good enough and being ambushed by an unfavourable panel. It all painted a daunting picture.

As I started reading through my thesis again, doubts crept in and I could only find shortcomings in my work. Thankfully, I had planned a prep session with my supervisor, which really helped me overcome my nervousness and focus on the many positive aspects of my thesis. In the end, my viva was a brilliant experience. The examiners were very complimentary about my work, which encouraged me to relax. We had an enriching and stimulating academic conversation, which was all I had hoped for. There were no easy questions, only thoughtful and engaging ones.

From a job-hunting point of view, what I found hardest was remembering that the viva was not the end of the road. At times, it was tempting to concentrate solely on preparing for it, and I had to make a conscious effort not only to keep looking for work, but also to make time to write coherent applications. I managed to apply for three positions, although I still have some work to do on researching postdoc funding.

By the time the viva was over I was elated but also emotionally and physically tired and it was good to have a week off. Now that I am back refreshed, I'm ready to tackle the challenges of converting my thesis into a book for publication, as recommended by my external examiner, and of trying to secure that elusive first academic position.

Goal for May: Seek advice on book publishing

We've been following Mel and Dean's search for the past five months. Post any questions or advice you have in the comments below.

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