From the Media Network

The latest from the Guardian Media Network

Forthcoming events

  • CMOs/CIOs: the merging of tech and marketing – live evening seminar

    Are CIOs and CMOs working together to achieve their goals or are the two roles merging?

    Join Adobe and other industry experts for an intimate evening of insight and networking at the Guardian HQ in Kings Cross

  • Changing Media Summit 2014: videos

  • Tesco CEO Philip Clarke on media, ecommerce and big data – video

    Video Video (15min 08sec) Tesco chief executive Philip Clarke explores the opportunities that exist at the intersection of media, ecommerce and big data

Predictions for 2014

From our partners

Live Q&As

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About us

  • Guardian Professional Networks

    Guardian Professional Networks are community-focused sites, where we bring together advice, best practice and insight from a wide range of professional communities. Click here for details of all our networks. Some of our specialist hubs within these sites are supported by funding from external companies and organisations. All editorial content is independent of any sponsorship, unless otherwise clearly stated. We make Partner Zones available for sponsors' own content. Guardian Professional is a division of Guardian News & Media.