Particle physics

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  • How wide is a Higgs?

    Peter Higgs. Photograph by David Levene  4/12/13
    25 Mar 2014: Jon Butterworth: In accord with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, short-lived particles have uncertain mass. So the Higgs boson, which gives mass to other particles, is uncertain about its own mass. New results from CMS at the CERN LHC have started to tell us how uncertain

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  • Boost 2014 6 Sep 2014: Jon Butterworth: A short film on the ups, but mainly downs, of a difficult search.
  • 31 Aug 2014: Jon Butterworth: A brief explanation of the physics behind the treatment that Ashya King’s parents wanted for their son’s cancer
  • CHIPS-M 7 Aug 2014: Jon Butterworth: It is the holiday season, when many scientists head off around the world to exotic locations, to give talks at conferences, to install and maintain their experiments, and, occasionally, to relax. So here are some of my favourite recent and not-so-recent physics-related snaps
  • 4 Aug 2014: Jon Butterworth: The Large Hadron Collider was guaranteed to change physics forever. A recently published paper studies the rare types of particle-scattering underlying that claim
  • LHC: Atlas semiconductor tracker barrel Audio (43min 41sec), 28 Jul 2014:

    The British physicist Jon Butterworth discusses his new book Smashing Physics, an insider's account of the discovery of the Higgs boson. Plus, the origins of life

  • A jet 16 Jul 2014: Jon Butterworth: What do particle physics and medical screening have in common? And why might we want to be tested, but not hear the result?
  • 5 Jul 2014: Jon Butterworth: Two years ago yesterday the discovery of a new boson - later confirmed as the Higgs - was announced at CERN, as the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) began in Melbourne. This week, ICHEP is underway again, this time in Valencia. What's new?
  • 29 Jun 2014: Jon Butterworth: A visit to Liverpool and a video from the Royal Institution
  • Alick Ashmore, physicist, who has died aged 93 11 Jun 2014: Other lives: Scientist who helped to expand the field of atomic physics
  • 8 Jun 2014: Jon Butterworth: The mass of the Higgs boson may be telling us something profound and puzzling about the future of the universe
  • 6 Jun 2014: A guest post from Alex Brown to advertise an unlikely physics/comedy crossover at CERN
  • Gravity vs the Standard Model 1 Jun 2014: Jon Butterworth: Einstein's general relativity, and quantum field theory in the Standard Model of particle physics, have different spheres of influence. Uniting them is one of the big challenges of physics. But at an everyday level, they are influenced by spheres in the same way
  • 24 May 2014: Jon Butterworth: Brout & Englert; Higgs; Hagen, Guralnik & Kibble. All came up with the same great idea independently. This also happened to me and Stephen Marsden
  • 18 May 2014:

    In a neat demonstration of E=mc2, physicists believe they can create electrons and positrons from colliding photons

  • Dark matter 11 May 2014: Jon Butterworth: A critique of a recent dark matter 'hint' provides a CoGeNT argument for open data

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