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11 September, 2014

Tesco Bank Statement on Scottish Referendum

On 18 September the Scottish people will vote on whether Scotland should be an independent country.  During the referendum campaign we have been developing contingency plans to ensure we continue to provide the service our customers expect, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. 

In the event of a 'Yes' vote it is expected that the transition to independence will take 18 months. To ensure we provide long term continuity for customers after the transition is complete, our contingency plans include the creation of a new registered company, domiciled in England.

While the creation of a new company would change the address of our registered headquarters, we do not expect there would be any immediate impact on colleagues at our existing centres. Scotland is an important market to us and will continue to be an important market regardless of the outcome of the referendum.



For more information and media enquires please contact:

Michael Strachan (Tesco Bank)

+44 (0) 7826 556 556


Adam Treslove (Tesco Bank)

+44 (0) 7713 068 642


Sarah Wright (Tesco Bank)

+44 (0) 7711 561 263

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