Alan Rusbridger reddit AMA: Things we learned

Key points from the live AMA (ask me anything) on reddit with the Guardian's editor in chief Alan Rusbridger
Alan Rusbridger Reddit AMA
Alan Rusbridger taking part in the Reddit AMA. Photograph: Guardian

On Wednesday the Guardian's editor in chief Alan Rusbridger gave the reddit community an exclusive live webchat to answer questions about the NSA intelligence leak, the changing role of journalism and keeping sources safe in the internet age. Here are some key points we learned:

1. Snowden wasn't going to stay anonymous - question from shalafi71:

Alan Rusbridger:

He was quite clear from the outset that he would identify himself - via the Guardian. I guess it was only a matter of time before he was outed by the NSA. But he didn't want to give them that pleasure.

2. The way the files were released - question from squatly:


We've done our best since the start of all this to strike the right balance. There are many important issues that need airing - but we don't want to give away crucial operation methods or endanger the security of individuals, etc. With Prism we revealed five documents, then one more - about the same judgement editors at the Washington Post. I think the subsequent debate in the US and in Europe has been very impressive and well-informed.

3. AR had no idea before Snowden the US was doing this - question from Kishara


Like many people, I guess, I had suspicions. But no idea about the sheer scale and ambition of what's been revealed.

4. On changing internet habits following the NSA revelations - question from bluecoffee:


I've become much more careful about everything digital. The more you read of these documents, the more you realised they're across pretty much everything.

5. The implications for journalism - question from Rascally:


Mostly, it's all bad. I don't think most news organisations have remotely considered the threat to journalism potentially posed by the methods revealed in the Snowden documents. One basic question: how are we going to have secure communication with sources in future - by phone, by chat, by email, by anything except face to face contact? And, obviously, the use of the Espionage Act - a first world war panic measure passed in 1917 - to clamp down on whistleblowing is really dismaying. But the US still has the First Amendment. Wish we had one of those in the UK

6. On Snowden's position now - question by shallahmallakum


I feel extremely sorry for him in his current limbo and hope that gets resolved very soon. very good piece by the British/Australian human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson here:

7. On Peter Capaldi, of Malcolm Tucker fame, playing AR in the up-and-coming film, The Fifth Estate - question from hiyagame


Capaldi as Alan Rusbridger? About as much use as a marzipan dildo. Fuckity-bye!

8. On being able to shout STOP THE PRESS - question from theblcksheep


We actually got to shout "Stop the Presses!" in the middle of the Prism story a few weeks ago. Sadly, it was my deputy, Paul Johnson, who got to shout it, as I was in NYC.

I did once have to keep a judge talking while waiting for the print lorries to be loaded up with freshly-printed newspapers. Once the first van left the yard it was too late for an injunction. Quaint days!

9. On protecting whistleblowers and sources - question from eudaimonist


It's difficult to talk through these issues in too much detail as to do so could give away information on how we operate.

But in general, we try to be very upfront and honest with sources, and talk through possible repercussions (including legal) of speaking with the media. It's up to people speaking to journalists and the media which, and how much, risk they want to take, and how important speaking is. We'll then do everything in our power to protect them, after that conversation.

With the NSA, Snowden himself has made clear it was his decision to give this information to the Guardian – as was to subsequently to reveal his identity. Our team spent many hours discussing with Snowden the implications of his decision to identify himself, which he was determined to do.

10. On getting into journalism - question from rascally


Main thing is to publish. Blog, tweet, write, photograph, tweet, video, code, play around with data - or a combination of all of the above. a) it will keep your journalistic 'muscle' in practice. b) if you're any good, you'll get noticed.

And bear in mind you can do these things at other places than conventional news organisations. Many businesses, NGOs, arts organisations, public bodies, universities, etc are now publishers of extremely high quality stuff. Good places to practise your craft before moving on...

11. There's more to come on the NSA files - question from ByLethal


Various difficulties have been put in our way (sorry to be vague, but this is an ongoing story). We're working round them. And, yes, more to come.....

12. Finally, would Alan Rusbridger rather fight one NSA-sized Wikileaks, or a hundred Wikileaks-sized NSAs? - question from tomphillips


I stay up all night working out my position on ducks and horses and you ask me this?


AR responds:

I thought you'd never ask!
I'd rather the former. Just so I could say "A duck, a duck, my kingdom for a duck!"
Before I killed it.

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