Tech talk: Samantha Payne, Knowle West Media Centre

The digital media producer on maker culture, getting creative with data and how art and technology are aiding activism
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Samantha Payne
Samantha Payne is digital media producer at Knowle West Media Centre. Photograph: KWMC

Hi Samantha, what can you tell me about the Knowle West Media Centre?

The Knowle West Media Centre believes that the arts have the power to make a difference to our lives, neighbourhoods and environment. It's an arts organisation and charity based in Bristol that's been supporting individuals and communities to get the most out of digital technologies and the arts since 1996. In practice, that means providing exciting and relevant ways for people to get involved in community activism, education, employment and local decision-making.

What kinds of challenges do you face in your work?

A difficulty was coming up with a way to visualise the data in a form that instantly communicates the message but is also aesthetically exciting.

We started looking at what other artists were doing with data and how it was being captured and visualised. Aaron Koblin's Flight Paths is my favourite visualisation because it can be stand alone art that tells a deeper story or a useful display of information. Just looking at his work makes me think about technology, art, climate change, space, the world, the future, past and present, and a million other things.

What can you tell me about the Girls Making History project?

This project is really close to my heart. We read in the news everyday about how women are being consistently harmed and violated both physically and emotionally, so we're working as a group to prevent that.

We're trying to prototype a piece of technology that can help keep young girls safe. I'm working with a group of 13-24 year-old women who have all experienced or are experiencing domestic violence and abuse. The project is being driven from the ground up, meaning the women have complete creative control. We are developing an idea together, from branding, logos and campaign ideas, to the final prototype.

Last week we were 3D printing bracelets using Sketch-Up. None of us had used 3D modelling software before, nor a 3D printer, but together with printing expert Joel Gibbard, we produced our own jewellery. We wanted to start thinking about the kind of tech we could fit into a bracelet that would send certain types of data. We'll be working closely with technologists and jewellery designers to help us reach our goal within the next few months.

At a time when the arts are being asked to prove their worth, activism and campaigning aren't always top of the list – what's the power of creativity to challenge these big issues?

The arts are challenging big issues all the time and using digital platforms to spread their message and gain public attention. The WomenofKWMC blog is a good local example of this. It was a small photographic series put together in a little room over three hours. The photos expressed something that caught the attention of over 80,000 people.

The people who shared that Tumblr online may not think of themselves as activists but when thousands of people are blogging and sharing the same photos with the same outrage, doesn't that make them activists? A network of people who want something to change has been created. By sharing those photos, people are making a social comment, expressing a dislike of the status quo and challenging the norm.

People who may have never thought of themselves as activists before are becoming them for the first time; they are sharing their opinions online and championing causes. Art and technology are aiding that activism.

The Data Patchwork project The Data Patchwork project: a living room made out of cardboard that users can interact with. Photograph: KWMC

How did your Data Patchwork project work?

We wanted to collect data but we didn't want to present local residents with loads of paper and boxes to tick. That's incredibly boring and most people would just throw the forms away. So we made a living room made out of cardboard that would "come to life" when interacted with.

Each piece of furniture was a different survey question that had to be answered in different ways. For example, I made the "Rate your hate" cardboard window with artist Matthew Olden and cardboard artist Joseph Ballard. I went around Knowle West (my home) and photographed the worst bits of the area that residents had already highlighted; these photographs then made up the windows. Matthew showed us how to attach subtle electronics to the windows so that when hit with a cardboard brick, they would emit some audio of glass smashing.

The project was really about starting a conversation among residents to find out what they really wanted and whether they wanted something enough to make an action towards gaining it. It was a success in my eyes because it created genuine conversation.

What other digital platforms or technologies are we going to see affecting arts and culture next?

Instructables! I love the site because it's a really simple way to share your arts and crafty ideas and to keep your work open source. The same goes for Thingiverse and Pinterest. I also keep an eye on Adafruit and the internet of things is also great. Sharing your art digitally is key to growth and there's a huge community of artists and makers already sharing their work tips and tricks online already.

Crowdfunding and coding will also continue to affect arts and culture; social media as well. I'm also excited to see the development of 3D printing and the 3Doodler pen. These technologies make it easier for everyone to become producers rather than consumers.

I think plans to open more Maker Labs will be hugely beneficial to the sector and will encourage a huge drive of producers. Knowle West Media Centre is already working on starting their own.

This interview was co-commissioned with Arts Industry magazine

Samantha Payne is digital media producer at Knowle West Media Centre – follow her on Twitter @sighsam

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