Neil MacGregor to front BBC Radio 4 series on history of Germany

Presenter of A History of the World in 100 Objects to explore country’s identity and past in 30-part programme
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Neil MacGregor
Neil MacGregor is director of the British Museum, which is holding an exhibition called Germany: Memories of a Nation. . Photograph: Martin Godwin

A History of the World in 100 Objects presenter Neil MacGregor is to explore the history and identity of Germany in a new BBC Radio 4 series.

Germany: Memories of a Nation will feature national landmarks such as the Brandenburg Gate and objects including Bavarian bratwurst that reveal the country’s culture and background.

The 30-part series will air over six weeks from 29 September and will also, according to the BBC, look at “the country’s historical divisions and shifting frontiers, the forging of a national identity and … the legacy of a turbulent history”.

The series is a collaboration with the British Museum, where MacGregor is director and which is holding an exhibition with the same name as the Radio 4 series in October.

MacGregor said: “This series attempts to uncover some of Germany’s complex and often challenging history – a history which is familiar to many Germans, but mostly unknown to the British public. Using objects, art, historical texts, landmarks and literature we can explore Germany’s rich cultural identity and try to understand how its past has shaped modern Europe.”

BBC director general Tony Hall said: “Neil has redefined the telling of history on radio through objects. Seeing the world from another point of view and telling a brilliant and different kind of history, rooted in culture as well as war, money and politics – that’s radio at its very best … I’m a profound believer in partnerships – and there’s no finer example of why they matter than this one with Radio 4 and the British Museum.”

Germany’s art and culture will also be examined on other BBC radio stations, with Radio 3’s drivetime programme In Tune broadcasting live from the British Museum on 17 October and featuring German lieder and chamber music. Radio 4 Extra will air relevant programmes from the BBC archive such as Benedict Cumberbatch reading Kafka’s Metamorphosis and a selection of Grimms’ fairy tales, read by Philip Pullmann.

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