Viral video chart: the iPhone 6, a bathing dog and Justin Bieber

Apple are behind the tech launch of the year, a dog is given a bath and Justin Bieber takes his trousers off

The official iPhone 6 trailer. Source:YouTube

In a busy week in news, Apple’s launch of the new iPhone 6 got slightly less exposure than it might otherwise have done. That doesn’t mean that techies weren’t hyperventilating over the launch and the official video, which makes this week’s top spot, still attracted over 2m views in two days.

The launch came alongside Apple’s much anticipated entry into wearable tech, with the unveiling of the Apple Watch. It does all sorts of useful things like monitor your heart rate and allow you to peer at photographs on its tiny screen. It even comes with the new U2 album pre-installed. It didn’t take long for parodies to emerge – like this one from the Jack’s Films YouTube channel.

YouTubers aren’t the only ones to be getting a bit cynical about Apple’s branding. It only took rival Samsung 24 hours to release a series of catty adverts, which point out that they were ahead of Apple with wearable tech and big-screen phones. The adverts come with the tag line “It doesn’t take a genius”.

In very different news, Tuesday’s charity fundraiser Fashion Rocks was livened up when Justin Bieber, who was supposed to be introducing a performance by Rita Ora with supermodel Lara Stone, decided it would be appropriate to strip down to his boxers and do some lunges. “I don’t feel comfortable unless I’m in my Calvins. So, what’s up? Is that cool?,” he asked the model. No Justin, it’s not cool.

Next up is a rare video of a dog who actually likes taking a bath. The dog is shown lying back in the tub, allowing his loving owner to deep-clean his golden fur. It’s a wonderful sight.

Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of US Vogue, a woman of notoriously few words, let an unnamed man ask her a total of 73 questions. Among the the many fascinating facts we learn is that she wakes up at 5am, she would never wear all black and her favourite flowers are tuberose.

Ever collected a coffee at Starbucks to find a butchered version of your name is scrawled across the side of the cup? Yes, you and much of the coffee-drinking public. In this spoof, a Starbucks barista lets us into a secret – he’s deliberately misspelling your name to mess with your head.

Just ahead of the iPhone launch, Ikea released a perfectly-timed advert for their new catalogue. According to the advert, the catalogue is 8mm thin, weighs less than 400g and comes pre-installed with thousands of home furnishing ideas. Experience the power of the “bookbook”.

Elsewhere on the internet, some clever person has dressed their dog as a giant spider to terrify innocent passers-by and a man in India has achieved the Guinness World Record for doing pull-ups with his little finger.

A dog enjoys a good scrub in the tub. Source: YouTube

1. Introducing iPhone 6

Apples and pears

2. The Apple Watch (Parody)

Only time will tell

3. Samsung videos make fun of Apple

“It doesn’t take a genius”

4. Justin Bieber on Fashion rocks

Laid bare

5. Dog SPA

It’s a dog’s life

6. 73 Questions with Anna Wintour

Never wear all black

7. Why Starbucks Spells Your Name Wrong

Coffee for Gessica

8. Experience the power of a bookbook

“The battery life is eternal”

9. Mutant Giant Spider Dog

Eight-legged friend

10. Most consecutive pinky pull-ups

Small victories

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