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Scottish government publishes white paper on independence: Politics live blog

Rolling coverage of the publication of the Scottish government's white paper on independence
• Read more: Salmond launches independence blueprint
Read the white paper
Read a summary of the white paper
Scotland's first minister Alex Salmond  and deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon hold copies of the independence white paper on 26 November 2013.
Scotland's first minister Alex Salmond and deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon hold copies of the independence white paper today. Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters


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Afternoon summary - and analysis of what's changed

Over the last few hours the story has not changed hugely. Here are four afternoon news lines.

• Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, has dismissed claims that the Conservatives and Labour would block a currency union with an independent Scotland as "posturing". He told BBC News: "I think everyone in Scotland can tell the difference between posturing and reality."

• Nicola Sturgeon, Salmond's deputy, has told the Scottish parliament that, if Scotland votes for independence, she would expect Scottish politicians to unite and negotiate withdrawal from the UK together. She would like people like Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown to be involved in the Scottish negotiating team, she said.

• Better Together, the anti-independence campaign, has attacked the SNP for not implementing its plans to extend childcare now, as it can under devolution.

• Alistair Darling, the Better Together leader, has said that Scotland could not afford to carry on using the pound without a currency union with the rest of the UK because Scottish banks would not be able to operate on that basis. This is what he told BBC News. 

If we're simply going to use the pound, there is no way Scottish banks and insurance companies would last a day if they had no central bank standing behind them.

But, as I wrap up, what's more interesting is trying to work out what impact today's events have had. Is Alex Massie right to argue that Scottish independence is a little more likely than it was 24 hours ago? (See 4.51pm.) I'm afraid I'm going to cop out with a yes and no. 

I can think of three reasons why Scottish independence now seems (marginally) more likely.

3 reasons why independence is now more likely

1. Salmond has produced a clear, firm, and rather attractive retail offer to the Scottish electorate. Vote X and you get Y. At the launch this morning there was no nonsense about "Braveheart" nationalism, very little "moment of destiny" stuff, but just a relentless, practical focus on what changes might occur after 2016 (with a big childcare offer at the heart of it). As I have already said, it was like the launch of an election manifesto. Salmond may recall that when it comes to elections, and inviting people to vote on policy matters, not constitutional change, his recent record is rather good.

2. This represents the SNP's best attempt yet at cracking Yes Scotland's "women problem". The polls show women are far less likely to support independence than men (20% compared with 29%, according to Scottish Social Attitudes Survey data). The childcare offer may make a difference. It is certainly more likely to attract attention than arguments about the intricacies of a currency union.

3. Scotland's Future, the 650-page white paper, is about as impressive as a document as this kind can ever be. It is nicely produced and clearly written, and you can actually imagine non-political voters taking a look. Why did the press conference go on for more than an hour? And why is the document so long? So the SNP can rebut claims that it is not answering questions. Of course, Better Together is right to say that many questions are not fully addressed. The phrase "we propose" occurs quite a lot, and the SNP do not say what their contingency plans are if they do not get what they want in independence negotiations. But opting for independence must inevitably involve a leap of faith, and accepting an element of the unknown.

But I can also think of two reasons why Scottish independence may be less may now be less likely.

2 reasons why independence is now less likely

1. Yes Scotland are well behind in the polls - and nothing announced today seems likely to change that dramatically. As I've explained already, I think the childcare offer will help the pro-independence campaign. But it is probably not quite whizzy enough to turn the campaign around. In that sense you could see today as a lost opportunity.

2. Conservative and Labour politicians are firming up their opposition to a currency union - which will make Scots more reluctant to call their bluff. Until this week the UK government had indicated that it was opposed to a currency union with an independent Scotland, but only in relatively general terms. However, over the last 48 hours or so the rhetoric has hardened considerably. Salmond is broadly right when he says that this is just a negotiating tactic, and that rUK would have a strong incentive to agree to a currency union because that would make sense. But, as the rhetoric hardens, it becomes harder to imagine figures like George Osborne backing down in the event of Scotland voting for independence. And the currency issue remains the biggest asset for the no campaign. People may not be interested in the minutiae of monetary policy. But if they think the Scottish financial services industry will collapse in the event of a yes vote (see Alistair Darling above), they will be less likely to risk independence.

At least, that's the way it looks to me now. In a week's time the impact of the white paper may be clearer.

That's all from me (Andrew Sparrow)

Thanks for the comments.


Huw Edwards is now interviewing Alistair Darling, leader of the Better Together campaign.

Darling says Salmond is suggesting that currency is not important. And he is just assuming that a currency union would happen. He cannot assume that.

And the SNP could implement their childcare plans now. But they won't because they don't want the money to go to Westminster. Salmond is placing "dogma" ahead of the need to take measures to help people into work.

Darling says Scottish banks and Scottish insurance companies would not last a day without a central bank standing behind them.

Q: Some of these ideas may be attractive to people. Do you think Salmond's plans might shift votes?

Darling says half the white paper is an SNP manifesto. But taxpayers are paying for it.

People will be sceptical of the childcare measures, because the SNP could implement them now.

That said, the results will be "closer than people think", Darling says. 

The Salmond interview is still going on.

Q: You would have to apply to join the EU.

Yes, says Salmond. But the white paper explains who this would happen.

The real threat to Scotland's membership of the EU would come from remaining in the UK.

Alex Salmond is being interviewed on BBC News now by Huw Edwards.

Q: How is this a game changer?

Salmond says it shows what would happen under independence.

Q: You could change childcare provision now under devolution.

Salmond says eventually the SNP want to supply childcare from the age of one. This would help get 100,000 more mothers into work. But, at the moment, if it did that, the extra tax revenue would go to London.

Q: What will you do if the rest of the UK says no to a currency union?

Salmond says a currency union would be in the interests of rUK.

Q: Isn't it absurd for an independent Scotland to rely on the Bank of England as a lender of last resort?

No, says Salmond. That would be its job.

Q: But that's not full independence.

It would amount to fiscal independence, Salmond says.


Here's Grahame Smith, general secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), on the white paper. 

The STUC welcomes publication of the White Paper and the ambition it reflects on key issues such as economic development and childcare.

Although most of the ideas and positions set out in the paper are already quite familiar, the commitment to establishing a National Convention on Employment and Labour Relations is interesting and of particular relevance to the STUC. We look forward to discussing how such a body could be made to work in the Scottish context.

The White Paper does raise questions about how an independent Scottish Government might develop a sustainable approach to taxation in order to fund important and legitimate additional social investments. It is also disappointing that new arguments weren’t forthcoming to rebut genuine concerns around a formal currency union with rUK.

 The STUC will now take time to study the detail of the White Paper and respond as part of our next A Just Scotland report.

Here's a white paper reading list, with the most interesting articles about it I've seen on the web.

• Matt Qvortrup at the Scotsman says that the white paper will not win Alex Salmond the referendum.

This document, impressive though it is, will not win the referendum – if anything the document will harm those who favour independence.

To be sure there are many laudable ideas in the document, and also many sweeteners that will appeal to those on the Centre-Left – especially Labour voters - who may be tempted to vote yes. The list of policy promises is impressive. Who but the most dyed in the wool Tories could possibly be against thirty hours of childcare per week, the abolition of the bedroom tax, a higher minimum wage? These ideas are about as difficult to criticise as motherhood and apple pie.

But referendums are not won by white papers. Referendums are won if you set the agenda and force your opponents on the back foot ...

The problem with white papers is that they are hostages to fortune. They allow the opponents to focus on the weaker arguments and thereby to divert attention away from the bigger debate ...

Referendum campaigns are not won by those who try to set out rational arguments - Nor are election campaigns. To win you need to have a single-minded determination, and be willing to use all available means. Just think back to the 1998 referendum on the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland in 1998. In this referendum Tony Blair and others supporting a ‘yes’ simplified the argument and exploited fear and uncertainty to good effect. Yes Scotland needs to do the same if they are to have any chance of winning. For politics is not a gentle debating contest, but a war of words.

• Nick Robinson on his BBC blog says the white paper launch was relatively low-key.

Today I had thought might feel like being present at the birth of a brand new nation - or, at least, the first scan which reveals what the UK's offspring might look like.

Yet Scotland's First Minister and his Deputy behaved today less like excited midwives and more like low-key, well-briefed company executives launching a corporate re-branding exercise

Their pitch to a still sceptical Scottish electorate is: independence would change everything, yet nothing much at all. 

• Alex Massie at the Specator says Scottish independence is a little more likely than it was as a result of today's launch.

An idea once unthinkable is utterly thinkable. The lack of drama – the merciful absence of bagpipes-and-Braveheart-bullshit – at the paper’s launch was quite deliberate. This, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon insisted, is a sober, sensible calculation of the national interest. It’s not a romantic romp in the heather or a doomed Jacobite jolly.

• Gary Gibbon on his Channel 4 News blog says Treasury tactics could backfire.

Isn’t there a danger exercises like yesterday’s intervention by Treasury Chief Secretary, MP Danny Alexander, saying that on average Scots’ tax bills would go up by £1000 a year, might all sound a bit like those regular Tory tax bombshell campaigns that the Scots never voted for over two decades or so? 

• Nick Pearce at the IPPR says the SNP does not need to wait for independence to extend childcare - but that it is right to say that the move would bring huge benefits.

The SNP is right, however, that many of the fiscal benefits would flow – in the form of increased tax revenues and lower benefit payments – to Her Majesty’s Treasury. When Quebec massively expanded its childcare provision in the late 1990s, the dramatic increase in female employment that flowed from the investment returned a significant fiscal bonus: after a decade, for every $100 invested, the state got $147 back. Of this, Quebec got $104, while the federal government got a windfall of $43.

This is not quite the zero-sum equation the SNP envisages, however. Scotland would reap many fiscal and social benefits from a universal childcare system. It plainly does not require independence both to expand childcare and to return much of the benefit to the Scottish purse.

• George Eaton at the Staggers says Salmond needs a Tory recovery at Westminster if he is going to win the referendum.

The increasing probability of a Labour victory in 2015 has helped to tilt the odds further against independence. One of the arguments Salmond made for secession was the risk that the UK could leave the EU. Earlier this year he gleefully cited a poll showing that the No campaign's lead evaporates when the Scottish public are asked how they would vote if Britain looked set to leave. But the diminishing likelihood of a Tory victory, and of an in/out referendum in 2017 (Labour has still not, and may not, promise a public vote), means it will be harder for him to warn that we're heading for Brexit. 

• Iain Martin at the Telegraph says Salmond's claims were "based on a lot of assertion and not much else".

• Niki Seith-Smith at the Staggers says Salmond can win the independence referendum if he can mobile marginalised voters.

Outside the conference hall in Glasgow, Scotland's largest city, 30 per cent of homes are jobless. These people have little faith in the political system to change their lot. But this is no ordinary vote. If apathetic and disillusioned citizens can be persuaded that an independent Scotland will bring real change to their lives, it isn’t even a question. Scotland will vote yes, with a mandate from the missing million.

• Isabel Hardman at Coffee House says, on monetary policy, the SNP are now essentially unionist.

Ed Miliband has responded to the white paper.

I want Scotland to stay in the family of nations that is the United Kingdom. #BetterTogether

— Ed Miliband (@Ed_Miliband) November 26, 2013

Here's the number you need to ring if you want to order your own copy of Scotland's Future, the independence white paper.

Get Scotland's Future in your hands, call 0300 012 1809 to order your own copy #indyplan #indyref #voteYES

— Peter Murrell (@PeterMurrell) November 26, 2013

Or here's the email address you need to use if you want to order one by email.

MT @GeorgeAdam: Email to get your hard copy of Scotland's Future white paper #indyplan #indyref

— Peter Murrell (@PeterMurrell) November 26, 2013

The CBI is opposed to Scottish independence. It has put out this statement saying its members will read the white paper closely.

Professor Robert Hazell, head of the Constitution Unit at University College London has put out a statement saying that the 18-month timetable set for independence negotiations is realistic.

The 18 month timetable for negotiations between September 2014 and March 2016 is reasonable, and realistic. If Scotland votes Yes, the UK government will have to negotiate in good faith, and with all due speed. Both governments will need to identify the big issues to be resolved before independence; a lot of smaller things can be left until afterwards.

The Czech-Slovak divorce took just six months to negotiate, from July 1992 to January 1993. But it required 31 Treaties and 12000 legal agreements to effect the separation. Many of the agreements were still being negotiated years later.

He also thinks that, if Scotland were to vote yes, there could be a case for a second referendum after the independence negotiations have been concluded.

This is an aspirational white paper. Some of the most important questions – membership of the EU, of NATO, keeping the pound, sharing other services with the UK – are not within the gift of the Scottish government, but depend on others. We will not know until the negotiations are concluded whether the Scottish government can deliver all it hopes. 

If the white paper turns out to have been a false prospectus, there is a strong case for offering a second referendum in March 2016. The terms of independence will then be known. They may be very different from the aspirations of 2014. In the second referendum the people of Scotland could then be asked, Do you still want independence on these terms?

A few days ago Ladbrokes said that 94% of the bets it was taking on the independence referendum were for a no vote.

Today, thought, it thinks the mood has changed (at least marginally). It says it has taken its biggest ever bets on a yes vote, at 5/1, "although the £100, £200 and £250 bets struck in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee pale into insignificance still compared to the £50,000 'no' punt from earlier in the month in the capital".

Sturgeon says she would like to see people like Alistair Darling, Gordon Brown and Margo MacDonald, the independent (and former SNP) MSP, taking part in the independence negotiations on behalf of an independent Scotland.

And that's it. The statement is over.

Labour's Malcolm Chisholm asks how the SNP will deliver its policies when it is committed to neo-liberal economic policies. Isn't she leading project wish against Project Reality.

Sturgeon says she does not think Chisholm really believes this.

She says she has not given up hope of getting Chisholm to vote yes. She thinks that is where his heart really lies.

Asked about ship building, Sturgeon says the white paper proposes diversity. She also says that she expects the rUK government to go ahead with its order for Type 26 warships from Govan after independence.

Fiona McLeod, the SNP MSP, asks what would be done to ensure genuine public participation in the writing of a new Scottish constitution.

Sturgeon says some plans are set out in the white paper. Getting people involved in this would be genuinely exciting, she says.

Patrick Harvie, the Green MSP, condemns members of the Better Together campaign for describing the childcare proposals as a "bribe".

Sturgeon agrees.

Annabelle Ewing, the SNP MSP, asks what the white paper would do to address inequality.

Sturgeon says there are a range of measures in the white paper that would, over time, make Scotland fairer.

Sturgeon says the no campaign has to explain why any member of the EU would not want Scotland to be a member.

Scotland would not be asking for special favours from the EU, she says. The SNP would be asking for a continuation of the arrangements that apply now.

Annabel Goldie, a Conservative, asks what the SNP would do if London said no to a currency union.

Sturgeon says a currency union is in the best interests of Scotland and the rest of the UK.

The Tories gave Alistair Darling an ovation when he spoke on this at their conference. Sturgeon says she is surprised Goldie does not agree with Darling.

Labour's Iain Gray says the white paper proposes setting up an oil fund straight after independence. But it does not say where the money would come from?

Some MSPs laugh. They think the answer is obvious (from oil).

Gray goes on: would the money come from higher taxes, or cuts, or from borrowing - the world's biggest payday loan.

Sturgeon says Norway set up an oil fund before it started paying into it.

She says the government would make a cautious forecast of revenues. It would pay into the fund when revenues exceeded that forecast.

The SNP's Stewart Maxwell asks what the white paper says about welfare.

Sturgeon says the welfare state is being dismantled. Voting yes would enable the Scots to protect it, she says.

Labour's Jackie Baillie says Sturgeon said nothing about pensions in her statement. Wouldn't maintaining pensions be hugely expensive?

Sturgeon recommends pages 138 onwards.

(Sturgeon and Salmond have been very good at citing page numbers. They seem to know the document backwards.)

She says Scotland needs to increase the size of its working age population. The SNP would do that by attracting immigration, she says.

Aileen McLeod, the SNP MSP, says Scotland would be better served by independent membership of the EU.

Sturgeon says she agrees. What has happened recently over agricultural payments shows this, she says.

Willie Rennie, a Lib Dem MSP, asks why the SNP does not extend childcare provision now.

Sturgeon says the SNP is making progressive changes. But it wants to "transform" provision.

This policy will "capture the imagination of people around Scotland", she says.

Linda Fabiani, the SNP MSP, asks what the white paper says about job security.

Sturgeon says page 365 explains some of the protections for public sector workers.

Drew Smith, a Labour MSP, asks Sturgeon if she accepts the people of England have a right to say no to a currency union.

Sturgeon says politicians are saying they would reject a currency union. But they would say that; they are in a campaign.

She says the SNP is not proposing a euro-style currency union. The British one would not have such tight controls.

Bruce Crawford, an SNP MSP, says the childcare pledge is excellent.

Sturgeon agrees. Her plan would enable more women to participate in the workforce, she says.

And it would create 35,000 jobs.

Ruth Davidson, the Conservative leader, says there was nothing much new in the white paper.

For six years the opposition parties have been pressing the SNP to do more on childcare.

Today the SNP announced a policy. And Sturgeon told the press conference that the SNP would not act now because it did not want the money going to the UK Treasury.

How much does the childcare pledge cost?

Sturgeon accuses Davidson of distorting what she said.

The SNP has extended childcare, she says.

But if it wants to have a dramatic increase, it needs to be sure the increased revenues will go to Edinburgh.

By the end of the first parliament, the SNP would spend £600m on this, she says.

Sturgeon is now taking questions.

Johann Lamont, the Labour leader, says the white paper does not mark the beginning of the end of the UK. But it may mark the beginning of the end of yes campaign.

She says the SNP could deliver on its childcare plan now.

But children are being denied what they need until their parents vote as the SNP wants, she says.

Lamont says the SNP plan relies on the goodwill of people in the rest of the UK. But the SNP claim these people do Scotland down.

The SNP suggests that, if the rest of the UK does not offer a currency union, it will refuse to pay Scotland's share of UK debt. The SNP want a divorce, but they want to keep a joint bank account.

So the question is: if there is no currency union, will Scotland do a runner?

Sturgeon says Lamont is being her usual cheery self.

The no campaign's response to the white paper was written some time ago. The Spectator said it had seen it, she says.

The biggest threat to Scotland's membership of the EU is remaining in the UK, she says.

And Sturgeon explains why she thinks rUK would agree to a currency union.

She is not making any threats, she says. But Scotland should get a fair share of its assets. And it will not pay its liabilities if it does not get a fair share of assets.

Sturgeon says 20,000 copies have been printed.

But anyone how asks for one will be sent one.

Copies to people in the UK are free.

Copies for people outside the UK will cost £10.

Sturgeon says preparing it has cost £450,000. The full cost will not be known until the government knows how many people want a hard copy, she says.

The document is also available online. And it is available as an e-book from the Apple store.

As of today, Scotland's Future really is in Scotland's hands, she says. (That's a pun - the document is called Scotland's Future.)


Part four explains how Scotland would manage the transition to independence, she says.

Scotland would continue to belong to the EU and other international organisations.

The proposals are reasonable and rational, she says. They are common sense.

And part five answers questions about the process, she says.

Part two is about the financial case for independence, Sturgeon says.

She says Scotland could afford to be independent.

Part three is about the opportunities independence offers.

Sturgeon describes the SNP's plan for a transformative expansion of childcare. Some MSPs seem to jeer (because they think it's a gimmick), but a few moments later their is applause, which is louder.

(It's all a bit restrained for someone used to Westminster.)

There are many other details of what an independent Scotland would be like, she says.

Sturgeon sets out what would happen if there were a no vote.

There would be no guarantee of more powers for Scotland, she says.

All main Westminster parties seem to favour a cut in the Barnett formula, she says. That would led to cuts in spending in Scotland.

And there would be a real risk of Scotland leaving the EU, she says.

Sturgeon is explaining the contents of the five parts of the white paper.

Part one sets out the case for independence. That rests on democracy, prosperity and social justice, she says.

Decisions about Scotland should be taken in Scotland, not by governments in London, which have often lost the election in Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon's statement to the Scottish parliament on the white paper

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's first minister, is making a statement in the Scottish parliament on the white paper now.

She says MSPs will need time to read the document.

There will be a full debate tomorrow afternoon, she says.

This morning the Scotland Office put out a briefing note claiming that a currency union between Scotland and the rest of the UK would not work. Here's an excerpt.

Currency unions don’t work without close political and fiscal integration, whereas independence is about disintegration: the lesson of the euro area crisis is clear – currency unions are very difficult without fiscal or political union, and can expose all their members to significant risks. Euro area countries are moving towards closer political and fiscal union to address these challenges. The Scottish Government are proposing the exact opposite – currency union without fiscal or political union. And independence would inevitably mean the continuing UK and Scotland moving further apart. This is hardly a credible basis for a monetary union.

Divergence of our economies: the economies of an independent Scotland and the UK would be very different, and would diverge over time. This is particularly because Scotland would have a significant dependence on North Sea oil. Changes in the oil price would therefore affect the countries differently and a one-size fits all monetary policy would not suit both. 

But the SNP has been pointing out that Alistair Darling himself said earlier this year that a currency union would be desirable. Here's what Darling told Newsnight in January.

Of course – of course it would be desirable to have a currency union . . . If you have independence or separation, of course the currency union is logical.

The quote of the day award has gone to the SNP MSP Joan McAlpine. She has a column in the Daily Record, and in it she made this claim.

[The white paper] answers 650 questions about Scotland’s future – everything you ever thought to ask and some that probably never occurred to you.

It makes America’s historic Declaration of Independence look like a Post-it note.

Here's the full statement on the white paper from Alistair Carmichael, the Lib Dem Scottish secretary.

For years we have been promised that all the answers on independence would be in the white paper. The big day has finally arrived and we have 670 pages that leaves us none the wiser on crucial questions such as currency, pensions and the cost of independence.

Rarely have so many words been used to answer so little.

People will draw their own conclusions that the Scottish government have deliberately sought to ignore the uncertainties and difficulties of independence. We are simply expected to believe that everything will be perfect after we leave the UK. We are asked to accept that ending a 300 year United Kingdom will be straightforward. We are told it will all be alright on the night.

We know that the terms of independence would need to be negotiated with many countries including the rest of the UK and the EU. An honest assessment of the challenges and uncertainties of leaving the UK would have seriously helped the debate between now and September. Instead we have been given a wish with no price list. Today was their chance to level with people. They have chosen a different path and people in Scotland will judge them on that.

 It is astonishing that the Scottish government can sit in private discussing the costs of independence and then refuse to share those figure with the Scottish people. John Swinney’s leaked paper said it would cost £600m every year to run an independent tax system but today we saw nothing about that.

 It looks more and more like the Scottish government will continue to keep these things private. If they had convincing answers then today really would have been the day to share them with everyone.

From now until September 18th we will keep making the positive case for the UK. It works well for Scotland. It gives us the best of both worlds. It offers us a better future. We will fight hard to preserve it against those who have been obsessed with independence for their entire political lives but now seek to disguise it.

Lunchtime summary

• Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, has said that David Cameron would be in breach of undertakings to the Scottish people if he refused to allow an independent Scotland to enter a currency union with the rest of the United Kingdom. Salmond made the claim at a news conference to mark the publication of the Scottish government's 670-page white paper on independence. He took questions for more than an hour, sounding confident and good-humoured, but many of the questions focused on how Scotland could get the rest of the UK to agree to a currency union when coalition ministers, and Labour shadow ministers, have suggested they would veto the idea. Salmond said that a currency union would be in the best interests of Scotland and the rest of the UK and that Cameron was therefore bound by the Edinburgh agreement (which commits Edinburgh and London to negotiate an amicable divorce in the event of a yes vote in next year's independence referendum) to implement one.

• The SNP government has said that it would use independence to roll out state-funded childcare for children from the age of one until they were ready for school, for 30 hours a week for 38 weeks a year. All three and four-year-olds would be covered by 2020, but the full roll out would take longer. Salmond highlighted this as an example of how independence could bring real, practical benefits for families.

• Campaigners against independence have accused the SNP of failing to answer key questions about independence. This is from Alistair Darling, leader of the Better Together campaign and the former Labour chancellor.

Nothing has changed as a result of this white paper. The nationalists have ducked the opportunity to answer the big questions about Scotland's future.

It is a fantasy to say we can leave the UK but still keep all the benefits of UK membership. The white paper is a work of fiction. It is thick with false promises and meaningless assertions.

And this is from Alistair Carmichael, the Lib Dem Scotland secretary.

For years we have been promised that all the answers on independence would be in the white paper. The big day has finally arrived and we have 670 pages that leaves us none the wiser on crucial questions such as currency, pensions and the cost of independence.

There is a summary of the contents of the white paper at 12.31pm.


Bookmakers William Hill are giving odds of 7/1 on Scotland leaving the UK, and 1/14 on Scots staying put. 

The pound

Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, has just been asked by the Treasury select committee about the issue of an independent Scotland keeping the pound, reports Katie Allen.

Appearing before the cross-party committee to give evidence about the Bank’s latest forecast, Carney was asked by Conservative MP Andrea Leadsom “What is the ... central thinking of the Bank of England about how to cope with two openly and very deliberately different fiscal policies whilst trying to squeeze into the one-size-fits-all pound?”

Carney said he had not been able to read the Scottish white paper yet, given he was giving the committee his full attention. And when pushed by Leadsom to share general thoughts, he dodged the question by referring only to the shared currency of the eurozone and what it will take to achieve a “fully viable euro”. Whether he would extrapolate that to mean he was looking for the same for a viable pound was left unanswered.

This was his full answer:

I would say that there are many lessons from the crisis period that reinforce attributes of the most sustainable currency unions and that it is difficult in the fullness of time to have a currency union - and I speak from the Canadian experience - without some element of fiscal federalism, and my personal view for the eurozone and I’ll speak only to the eurozone, is that there will be a requirement of some form of fiscal federalism, I’ll use that term, there are politer terms, but the banking union ... which shares liabilities and exposure is a form of fiscal federalism, but I suspect that ultimately in the fullness of time that will have to be reinforced by some element of sharing potentially through the labour market, potentially through other mechanisms in order to have a fully viable euro.

Immigration and citizenship

The SNP white paper describes a separate immigration policy as “one of the major gains” from independence, but the detail suggests it may be more apparent in a more humane approach to illegal migrants than any difference in border controls or passports, reports Alan Travis.

The most dramatic changes promised would be the closure of Dungavel immigration removal centre, and an end to the Home Office practice of dawn raids and “inhumane treatment” of asylum seekers. A separate Scottish asylum agency would deal with asylum applications and oversee the integration of refugees. The white paper says that Scotland would also adopt a policy of giving a Scottish passport to any foreign national who has lived in the country for 10 years and is of good character.

But the rest of Scotland’s immigration and citizenship policy would look little difference. There would be no border posts between England and Scotland as the SNP claims that Scotland would remain in the UK common travel area that also includes Ireland and the Channel Islands.

This presumes that Scotland’s renegotiated membership of the European Union will include a continued opt-out from the Schengen EU passport-free travel area. If Scotland joined Schengen it would be hard to see how England could allow an open border with Scotland to remain as it would undermine the UK’s own separate immigration policy. In this Scotland would be in a similar position to Ireland with Dublin fairly closely following London’s immigration and asylum policies.

Alex Salmond promises an immigration system more closely targeted at particular Scottish requirements and says that this will use a points-based approach. But this already exists within the UK points-based approach to skilled migration. A separate shortage occupation list for Scotland already ensures greater flexibility. Perhaps more substantive will be a promise to reinstate a post-study work visa for overseas students and lower minimum maintenance thresholds and salary levels for work and family migrants.

Perhaps it is best summed up by the plans for a Scottish passport. It will look very similar to a British passport. It will also be valid for 10 years and cost a similar amount. The only difference will be that “it will be identified as a Scottish passport on the front cover”. No doubt a thistle or a Saltire will be on the shortlist.


One of the big questions about the sustainability of Scotland’s public finances is what proportion of the UK’s £1.2tn national debt it would end up shouldering, Heather Stewart adds.

The final answer could only be determined after negotiations with Westminster: but the white paper sets out the SNP’s starting point. It uses two separate calcuations: the debt could be divvied up according to the balance of tax and spending in Scotland and the rest of the UK since 1980-81; or according to the size of Scotland’s population.

That would make a big difference: the SNP estimates that by 2016-17, interest payments on Scotland’s share of the debt could be anything from £2.7bn-£4bn if it was apportioned on a historical basis; but £4.3bn to £5.5bn on a population basis. Given that total Scottish public spending is estimated to be £63.7bn, that £1.5bn margin of error is significant — and it’s a reminder that much will depend on what kind of bargain a newly-independent Scotland is able to strike.

Scotland’s Future goes on to set out ways in which an SNP government would aim to raise more revenue - including, for example by cancelling the coalition’s planned married tax allowance. There is also a shopping list of spending commitments, including increasing benefits and tax thresholds in line with inflation, instead of sticking to George Osborne’s 1% cap.

Arts and heritage

In terms of arts and heritage policy very little would change as the Scottish parliament already has responsibility in those areas, reports Mark Brown.

While Creative Scotland - the quango which next year will be distributing around £100m of public money - has had its problems, arts organisations in Scotland have generally been much happier with their government’s policies and spending on the arts than those in England.

That positivity continues in the white paper. It says: “This government does not measure the worth of culture and heritage solely in money - we value culture and heritage precisely because they embody our heart and soul, and our essence.”

That is in stark contrast to the coalition government, which stresses the importance of arts organisations making an economic case for themselves.

The artistic director of the National Theatre of Scotland, Laurie Sansom, this summer warned that England faced the possibility of a “talent drain” to Scotland because of a more welcoming climate. That mood music continues in the white paper. “We know that public funding of the arts is a fundamental good,” it says, “and independence will provide the opportunity to take this to new heights.”

Some questions remain of course. What happens to the National Lottery money that many arts organisations benefit from? It would continue, says the SNP, as there are no plans to create a breakaway Scottish lottery. However, all decisions on distributing Scotland’s share will be made in Scotland.

And what about the many items of importance to Scotland that are held in national, London-based museums - for example the magnificent Lewis Chessmen at the British Museum? The SNP says Scotland would not be demanding everything back. The report says simply: “The national museums and galleries in both London and Scotland all hold items from different parts of the UK and collections assembled from across the world. They have long-established arrangements for loans, exchanges and partnerships, which will be able to continue when Scotland becomes independent.”

The Lewis Chessmen at the British Museum
A worker at the British Museum arranges the Lewis Chessmen. Photograph: Andrew Winning/Reuters


Scotland's Future - the white paper on independence - Summary

There's a tension at the heart of the white paper. In one respect, it is essentially the SNP election manifesto for 2016 - bedecked with attractive policies. But in another respect it is a document setting out the SNP's opening bid for the independence negotiations that would follow a yes vote - and, in this mode, it is infuriatingly vague (or at least it seems to be from what I have seen so far). What would happen if the UK government said no to a currency union, or the EU said Scotland would have to agree to join the euro, or if Nato said Scotland would have to continue hosting Trident if it wanted to be a member. It doesn't make much sense for the SNP start publicly compromising on these issues now, and so largely it avoids all together contemplating any "second best" options. At their news conference, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon repeatedly insisted that "common sense" would eventually prevail.

Still, there is plenty of detail in the document. Here is a summary of the main points.

• Scots would continue to use the pound after independence. The white paper says that a currency union would make most sense for Scotland and for the rest of the UK (rUK) and, at the news conference, Salmond and Sturgeon said that on this basis they expected rUK to agree to one, regardless of the comments now being made by the Treasury about the Bank of England refusing to agree. But the white paper does not express any doubt at all about Scots continuing to use sterling, suggesting as a last resort an SNP government in an independent Scotland would continue using sterling even without a formal currency agreement. This is what the document says:

The expert Fiscal Commission Working Group concluded that retaining Sterling as part of a formal Sterling Area with the UK would be the best option for an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK.

The Scottish Government agrees with that view. Using Sterling will provide continuity and certainty for business and individuals, and an independent Scotland will make a substantial contribution to a Sterling Area. We will therefore retain the pound in an independent Scotland. [Bold text from original document.]

• Scotland would aim to join the EU as a full member on the day it becomes independent. It would approach EU negotiations on the basis of "continuity of effect", meaning that it would expect the provisions that apply to the UK (ie, euro opt-out, the rebate) to continue to apply. It would not join the Schengen agreement.

• Salmond and Sturgeon put extending childcare at the centre of their prospectus. An SNP government in an independent Scotland would offer "a transformational change in childcare so that, over time, every child from age one to starting school is guaranteed 30 hours of provision for 38 weeks of the year". By the end of the first independent Scottish parliament (ie, by 2020) every three and four-year-old, and every vulnerable two-year-old, would already get this free childcare. Sturgeon would not say how much this would cost, but she said that getting more women into work would generate tax revenue. Ironically, this is an area where policy is already devolved from Westminster. Asked why the SNP was not extending free childcare along these lines already, Sturgeon said that it did not want to extra revenue generated to go to Westminster.

• The SNP explicitly rejects the claim (made most recently by the Institute for Fiscal Studies) that taxes would have to rise or spending would have to be cut in an independent Scotland to maintain the public finances in a health state.

 As Scotland's public finances are healthier than those of the UK as a whole, there will be no requirement for an independent Scotland to raise the general rate of taxation to fund existing levels of spending.

• An independent Scotland would seek an agreement on getting rid of Trident within the first term of the first Scottish parliament following independence. It would also apply to join Nato.

• The bedroom tax would be abolished, the rollout of universal credit would be halted and the proposed married couples tax allowance would be ended.

• Basic rate tax allowances and tax credits would rise "at least in line with inflation". The SNP also claim simplification of the tax system would save £250m.

• An SNP government in an independent Scotland would set a timetable for cutting corporation tax by up to 3 percentage points from the rUK rate. This would give Scottish businesses "a competitive edge", the white paper says.

• Air passenger duty would be cut by 50%, cutting air fares, "with a view to abolishing it when public finances allow"

• A Fair Work Commission would ensure that the minimum wage rises at least in line with inflation.

• An independent commission would consider the case for delaying the planned increase in the UK state pension age, on the grounds the life expectancy in Scotland is shorter.

• From April 2016 new pensioners would get a single-tier state pension worth £160 a week - £1.10 a week more than the rate planned for rUK. All public sector pension rights would be "fully protected".

• There would be a points based immigration system in an SNP-led independent Scotland.

• A new broadcaster, the Scottish Broadcasting Service, would be set up, taking over the assets of BBC Scotland. The SNP government would propose that it worked as a joint venture with the BBC, allowing viewers to see BBC programmes in return for the BBC getting Scottish material.

• Students would continue to get free access to higher education.

• An independent Scotland would set up a network of 70 to 90 overseas embassies.

• It would enshrine in law a commitment to spend 0.7% of national wealth on aid.

The white paper is almost entirely positive. But it also contains a two-page section setting out the likely consequences of a no vote. They include: a new generation of nuclear weapons on the Clyde, possible public spending cuts, and the prospect of Scotland, along with the whole of the UK, leaving the EU.


Public finances

On public finances, the SNP draws on data from its Fiscal Commission, showing that Scotland raises more tax per head (£10,700 in 2011-12) than the UK as a whole (£9,000), and has run a budget surplus since 1980-81 - a date chosen to capture the boom years of North Sea oil production, writes Heather Stewart.

There’s also room in the white paper for a dig at the way Westminster politicians controlled the purse strings: “The decision not to manage government borrowing more prudently during the years prior to the financial crisis weakened the resilience of the public finances and meant that they were not well placed to respond to the sharp drop in tax revenues, and increase in government spending, which occurred with the onset of the recession in 2008”. By contrast, it says, “the Scottish government has developed a reputation for sound financial management”.

However, what matters for the independence debate is the future, not the past. Research published last week by the Institute for Fiscal Studies suggested that with North Sea oil production in decline, and Scotland facing more severe demographic challenges than the rest of the UK, the newly-independent country would have a black hole in its public finances in the medium term (from 2020), worth £6bn a year, or possibly much more.

Last year in the Spectator, George Eaton looked at whether Labour would ever win a general election again if Scotland left the UK. He noted that Ed Miliband would lose 41 MPs (he currently has 257) while the Tories would only lose one (of 304). But Eaton notes:

Without Scotland, Labour would still have won in 1997 (with a majority of 139, down from 179), in 2001 (129, down from 167) and in 2005 (43, down from 66). What those who say that Labour cannot win without Scotland are really saying is that they do not believe Labour can ever win a sizeable majority again.

But in 2010, Eaton calculates, a rest-of-UK election would have produced a Tory majority of 21.

What we can say for sure is that for Labour Scotland leaving the UK would make it more difficult for them to win – while the Tories would have an easier time of it in the rump UK.

As for the Lib Dems, 11 of their 55 MPs are Scottish, but it's difficult to say whether the loss of these seats would damage their chances of forming another coalition or not.

The Better Together "no" campaign has put out this graphic illustrating the reasons Scotland should stay part of the UK:

With so much uncertainty around the promises in the White Paper, here are 10 things we know we benefit from #indyref

— Better Together (@UK_Together) November 26, 2013

John Curtice of the University of Strathclyde is speaking to Sky News.

Who does the SNP have to win over? Curtice says they are very far behind with women. "There is an extraordinary gender gap in this context." With men, it's very close. But women are firmly against independence at the moment. "That's why we've heard so much this morning about childcare."

Religion makes no difference and there is not a great deal of geographical variation, he says.

Middle-class people are more inclined to see independence as a risk, he says.

The older section of the population are more inclined towards union.

What impact would independence have on the rest of the UK? Curtice says it would have a huge impact on foreign and defence policy, mentioning the Trident nuclear submarines.

Domestically, if trading with Scotland became more difficult, the rest of the UK loses out, Curtice says.

What happens if Scotland doesn't become independent and the UK votes to leave the EU against Scotland's will, Sturgeon asks.

Sturgeon is told she could bring in her childcare plans now.

She says Scotland needs to be independent for this because the purpose would partly to be to increase female participation in the workforce - but if they brought in such childcare plans now all that extra tax revenue from working women would flow to the UK Treasury, instead of being used to support Scots.

If Scotland votes yes, Sturgeon says, we will have a sensible negotiation reflecting the "mutual shared interests" of Scotland the rest of the UK.

What if others don't agree? There's no back-up plan.

Sturgeon says for the UK to turn its back on a shared currency would be against its own interest, and no UK politician has ruled it out.

Scotland's deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon is being interviewed on BBC News now. Alistair Darling's points about matters being up for negotiation are put to her. 

Sturgeon says Darling probably wrote his comments two weeks ago.

She says currency union would be in the rest of the UK's best interests. "It would make no sense for the Westminster government to force its own businesses to be in a separate currency when Scotland doesn't want that."

Business lobby group the CBI has put out a response to the launch from director-general John Cridland:

Next year’s referendum is a matter for the Scottish voters. The outcome will matter hugely to businesses and consumers across the whole of the UK.

The CBI believes that the nations of the UK are stronger together and that Scotland’s business and economic interests will be best served by remaining as part of the UK. Our members have been pressing for responses to many key questions on independence that we have put to the Scottish government and we will study this white paper closely to decide how far it answers businesses' questions.

Social policy

Scottish nationalists offered a centre-left vision of a new welfare state north of the border, writes Randeep Ramesh.

Moving left of One Nation Labour is a canny move in a country which has in recent years been angry over the imposition of tough Westminster policies that sound good in the south but hit Scots hard.

So Alex Salmond will not only get rid of the hated bedroom tax - eight Scottish councils are on a list of the 20 UK areas worst affected by the measure – he will also outflank Labour by calling for the coalition's ailing but flagship welfare policy, universal credit, to be abolished.

Whereas Ed Miliband offered working parents of three and four-year-olds in England 25 hours of free childcare a week if Labour wins the next general election, Salmond targeted families with very wee bairns. Again the language is Milibandesque: extending free childcare to one-year-olds to create 35,000 new jobs.

In a dig at the party of workers, the nationalists offered to lift the minimum wage in line with inflation and “guarantee” it would march lockstep with prices.

By comparison Labour only offers to “restore the value” of the minimum wage, although that would not necessarily involve a 45p rise to raise it in line with prices. The devil is in the detail: Earlier this month the Trades Union Congress argued that if the the 2007 minimum wage had kept in line with inflation it would now be £6.68 ­– 37p higher than the actual rate in October 2013 – a boost of £770 to poor workers. Scots nationalists use another baseline, presumably their version of inflation, giving the the lowest paid an extra £675.


A new Scottish Broadcasting Service funded by the Scottish share of BBC licence fee income will be established if the nation votes for independence in next year’s referendum, Jason Deans writes.

The Scottish National party said it would establish the SBS as a joint venture with the BBC, replacing BBC Scotland as the nation’s licence fee-funded public service broadcaster on TV, radio and online from the start of 2017.

BBC shows such as EastEnders, Doctor Who and Strictly Come Dancing would still be available in Scotland via the SBS/BBC joint venture, the SNP is proposing

The SNP suggests that BBC1 and BBC2 would continue to be available in Scotland, with the SBS having the right to opt-out, as BBC Scotland already does.

The SBS will initially be set up using BBC Scotland’s staff and facilities, the SNP said in its 670-page white paper on independence. It will have an annual budget of about £345m and will launch a new TV channel and radio station, as well as running existing services BBC Alba, Radio Scotland and Radio nan Gàidheal, the SNP is forecasting.

The SBS would continue to supply the BBC with the same level of network programming, in return for access to the corporation’s services in Scotland. Funding for the SBS will come from Scotland’s share of licence fee income (£320m a year) and BBC commercial arm BBC Worldwide’s profits (£13m), plus £12m annually provided by the Scottish government for Gaelic broadcasting.

It will not have to raise money from advertising, the SNP said. “The SBS will offer a wide range of programming and content on TV, radio and online,” the SNP independence white paper said. “It will reflect the variety of our nation in terms of geography, ethnicity, language, belief, lifestyle and taste. The SBS will be independent of government, impartial in its editorial view and given creative freedom in production. 

“An expert panel will devise the SBS charter and propose governance arrangements to ensure that the SBS focuses on quality, serves the interests of the people of Scotland, and works in partnership with staff. These principles will subsequently be enshrined in legislation.”

Financial regulation

Heather Stewart adds:

On financial regulation, much of the framework would remain the same, with the Bank of England still the “lender of last resort" to the financial sector, stepping in to keep banks operating. Similarly, the Bank’s new financial policy committee would continue to be responsible for overseeing financial stability in Scotland.

However, there is less clarity (which is likely to be deeply unsatisfying for London) about what would happen if a Scottish bank got itself into difficulties in future.

“Where financial resource was required to secure financial stability, there will be shared contributions from both the Scottish and Westminster governments based on the principle that financial stability is of mutual benefit to consumers in both countries. This will reflect the fact that financial institutions both in Scotland and the UK operate - and will continue to operate - with customers in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland and their stability will benefit all concerned.”

That seems to suggest that Scotland would play its part in rescuing an English bank that had failed, and vice versa; but it’s hard not to think it would have complicated the rescue of Royal Bank of Scotland in 2008, for example, if it had involved negotiations between Edinburgh and London - including trying to resolve the question of what the respective contributions of the English and Scottish Treasuries should be. Such discussions have often proved intractable during the eurozone banking crisis, in some cases leading to botched bailouts and political paralysis.

New legislation currently going through the House of Lords is meant to make future bailouts much less likely; but it remains untested.

Here is some reaction to the launch from UK MPs.

From the aforementioned Alistair Darling:

Sturgeon's line on childcare astonishing, complaint is that women would get jobs & pay tax to HMT - that then transfers money back to Scot

— Alistair Darling (@TogetherDarling) November 26, 2013

From Scottish Labour frontbencher Douglas Alexander:

It speaks volumes that centre-piece of Nationalists' Manifesto is child-care which is ALREADY devolved. #bestofbothworlds #bettertogether

— Douglas Alexander (@DAlexanderMP) November 26, 2013

From Tory Henry Smith:

"@itvnews: 'No border controls' between independent Scotland and UK" Um, not necessarily if the rest of the British Isles doesn't agree!

— Henry Smith (@HenrySmithMP) November 26, 2013

From Scottish Labour MP Jim McGovern:

Lots of words in the #whitepaper but no answers; yet more false promises. Reinforces the fact that Scotland and the UK are #BetterTogether

— Jim McGovern (@JimMcGovernMP) November 26, 2013

From Tory Andrew Murrison:

Oh dear, as I thought, #SNP white paper big on rhetoric, thin on detail. #Scotland

— andrew murrison (@murrisonMP) November 26, 2013

The pound

As expected, the white paper confirms that a post-independence Scotland would seek to, “retain sterling as part of a formal monetary union with the rest of the UK”, writes Heather Stewart.

Here are the SNP’s arguments in favour of this option - as opposed to joining the euro, or adopting its own currency - as set out in the White Paper:

- the rest of the UK accounts for two thirds of Scotland’s exports;

- many companies operate across the border, which would make separate currencies cumbersome;

- workers move backwards and forwards easily;

- levels of productivity are similar, which can help to make a currency area work well (unlike, for example, Germany compared to Greece);

- the economic cycle of Scotland usually moves in unison with that of the rest of the UK.

Scotland sees itself as becoming a “shareholder” in the Bank of England: “Monetary policy will be set according to economic conditions across the sterling area with ownership and governance of the Bank of England undertaken on a shareholder basis."

It’s not clear, of course, what conditions Westminster politicians, or indeed the cautious policymakers at the Bank, would seek to extract in exchange for allowing Scotland to be a part of this new, looser arrangement. But given the travails of the eurozone countries over the past couple of years, London is likely to demand close scrutiny of Scottish tax-and-spending policies, lest an unsustainable spending spree risks jeopardising the stability of the entire “currency union”.

As with the eurozone, the assumption in financial markets would be likely to be that in the event that Scotland got into fiscal difficulties, the rest of the UK would bail it out; so London would have an over-riding interest in keeping a close eye on an independent Scotland's fiscal policies. That's certainly what's happening in the eurozone, where member-states are now forced to submit their budget plans to Brussels for approval.


By far the most contentious issue in the white paper as far as defence and security is concerned is the priority that would be given to reaching “an early agreement on the speediest safe removal of [Trident] nuclear weapons”, writes Richard Norton-Taylor.

Faslane is the UK’s only nuclear weapons base and it would cost billions of pounds to build an alternative site elsewhere – in Devonport, for example, or Milford Haven in south Wales. One possible solution would be to establish a special zone in an independent Scotland, along the lines of the Russian enclave between Poland and Lithuania in the Baltic.

Much would depend on the timescale an independent Scottish government would demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from the country.

The white paper, as expected, proposes a new Scottish defence force of 15,000 regular personnel and a new intelligence and security agency.

The British government has suggested that an independent Scotland could not rely on intelligence gathered by existing agencies in the remaining UK, and would not necessarily be welcomed in to the EU or Nato.

In its recent decision to end Portsmouth’s role as a naval dockyard, the British government said recently that future warships - notably a new generation of frigates - would be built in Scotland only if Scotland remained part of Britain. Yet there is no guarantee that any English or Welsh shipyard could build them, so the UK could end up hoist by own petard.

The UK - and Nato - would need Scotland because of its important strategic geographical position, notably when it comes to maritime surveillance and monitoring the fishing grounds as well as shipping lanes and submarine movements in the north Atlantic.

RAF Leuchars is earmarked to become a large army base, and RAF Lossiemouth, currently a base for Tornado aircraft is scheduled to become a vital RAF base for Typhoon jets.

To suggest, as the Home Office did in a recent paper - Scotland analysis: Security - that MI5 in a UK of Northern Ireland, England, and Wales would not share important terrorist-related intelligence with an independent Scotland seems to be no more credible than an independent Scotland not sharing such information with the remaining UK.

In response to a Commons defence committee report, the British government last week said it was not undertaking any contingency planning for Scottish independence. “There is no democratic mandate for the UK government to do so: unless and until people in Scotland vote in the referendum to say that they wish to leave the United Kingdom, the UK government will continue to represent all parts of the United Kingdom,” it said.

Better Together campaigners handed out thousands of copies of a special newsletter to commuters at rail stations across Scotland this morning, writes Billy Briggs.

At Dundee rail station, which sits across from Captain Scott’s famous ship, Discovery, at the city’s waterfront, three members of the Lib Dems campaigned between 7am to 9am.

They distributed an eight page tabloid called 'bettertogether News’ that was prepared to mark the release of today’s white paper on independence.

The publication given to travellers ran with the headline: “Experts say we’re better together & worse-off apart” and a splash citing a report by the Institute For Fiscal Studies that predicted higher taxes and cuts in public spending if Scotland became independent.

Inside, there were articles entitled “Confused on currency?” and a centre spread giving readers “10 reasons why staying in the UK gives Scots the best of both world.”

The back page was devoted to ‘sport’ with articles quoting both Sir Alex Ferguson and sprinter Brian Whittle voicing support for Scotland remaining part of the UK.

Sir Alex – who has donated to the Better Together Campaign, said: “If ever there was a time to be wary of Scotland pulling out of the UK, it is now. It would be a total distraction from what really matters to people – the economy, jobs, schools and hospitals.

This is Paul Owen taking the reins for the next little while.

Alistair Darling, the former UK chancellor and leader of the Better Together "no" campaign, has put out a response to the white paper's launch:

Nothing has changed as a result of this white paper. The nationalists have ducked the opportunity to answer the big questions about Scotland’s future.

We have waited months for this and it has failed to give credible answers on fundamentally important questions. What currency would we use? Who will set our mortgage rates? How much would taxes have to go up? How will we pay pensions and benefits in future?

It is a fantasy to say we can leave the UK but still keep all the benefits of UK membership.

The white paper is a work of fiction. It is thick with false promises and meaningless assertions.

Instead of a credible and costed plan, we have a wish-list of political promises without any answers on how Alex Salmond would pay for them.

As for the promises, they could deliver on childcare now. Their excuse for not using the power they already have beggars belief - Nicola Sturgeon said they couldn’t act now because women would go to work and the tax they pay would go to the UK Treasury. That is our treasury, not that of a foreign country.

With so much uncertainty and unanswered questions about the cost of independence, leaving the UK would be a huge leap in the dark – especially when we know that devolution works for Scotland. We can have the best of both worlds – a strong Scottish parliament with the strength and opportunity of being part of a bigger United Kingdom.

Darling was also interviewed on BBC News just now.

There’s absolutely nothing new here, he said. They have ducked the big questions like: how can they guarantee the pound? What’s plan B if they can’t get that.

He said of their promise on childcare that the Scottish government already had the power to do that. If the tax from women working would go to the Treasury, “that’s our Treasury - it’s not a foreign Treasury,” Darling said.

He said the rest of the UK would have to agree on a currency union with an independent in Scotland. “It’s looking suspiciously like a non-starter … so what is plan B?”

Are we going to use the pound like Panama uses the dollar, he asks. Will Scotland have the euro, or its own new currency?

He notes that this would be a “negotiation” but the document is full of assertions of fact. “We’ve simply got claims and assertions.” There is “precious little in the way of facts”, he says.

Scotland’s population is aging more quickly than that of rUK, he says, and North Sea oil revenue is declining.

Alistair Darling
Alistair Darling. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA

Q: What is the cost of your childcare policy?

Sturgeon says the SNP has already been increasing investment in childcare. Its budget has gone up by £600m. But this is a policy that would generate tax income, she says.

It would also create 35,000 jobs in the childcare industry.

Q: Have Nato representatives told you you will be welcome?

Salmond says there have been discussion. Scotland meets the criteria for Nato membership. It expects to be welcomed in.

Q: Can you give Scots a cast-iron guarantee that they will use the pound?

Scotland will keep the pound, Salmond says.

And that's it. "I think we've had a fair kick of the ball," Salmond says.

Q: You say you want to get rid of Trident within the first term of a new Scottish parliament. Does that mean by 2021?

Surgeon says this is set out in question 315. The SNP would want Trident removed within the first term of a Scottish parliament. CND produced a report saying this could be done in two years.

One of the benefits of independence is that the Scots would get to make that choice, she says.

Trident would have to be removed as quickly as it could be safely done. Safety would be important.

Q: Every country that has joined the EU has had to promise to join the euro. Why do you think you would not have to?

Salmond says Sweden has not joined the euro before people voted not to join. That shows that new members states do not have to join.

Q: All your opponents have to do is keep asking awkward questions. Do you think you will run out of time?

Salmond says his view of politics is that the positive beats the negative. We are on the positive side, and we will win, he says.

Q: UK expats can vote in Westminster elections. Would Scottish citizens living in England be able to vote in Holyrood elections?

Sturgeon refers to question 617 in the document. The proposal constitutional convention would look at this, she says.

Q: On page 42 you talk about off-setting assets against the debts you would take on from the UK. What are those assets?

Salmond says some assets are non-territorial. For example, the UK embassy in Paris. It might not make sense to take 8% of the UK embassy in Paris. So instead assets like that could be off-set against debt.

Q: What would you do if the rest of the UK rejects your case on a currency union?

Salmond says his arguments are very powerful. For rUK to reject them, it would have to reject what was in its own best interests. The Edinburgh agreement says they would not do this.

Q: Would Scots living abroad be able to get a Scottish passport?

Sturgeon says the terms of citizenship are set out in a table on page 406.

Q: Even if you had a monetary union, Scotland would still not get the interest rates it needs?

Salmond says the currency proposals are based on the work of his fiscal working group, involving two Nobel laureates.

Productivity in Scotland and the rest of the UK is the same. That is why a currency union would work.

But Salmond says if he were first minister of Wales, where unemployment is out of kilter with unemployment in the rest of the UK, he might be worried about a currency union.

Q: So Scotland would never need to set its own interest rates?

Salmond says having the same interest rates as your main trading partner creates mutual benefits.

Q: What are your plans for a written constitution and to create a new democracy?

Salmond says these plans are in the document. There would be a constitutional convention. Iceland is an example of a country that has reinvigorated itself by having a written constitution. Every other member of the EU (apart from rUK, presumably) has a written constitution, he says. And every other member of the Commonwealth too.

Q: Why should people trust you to deliver?

Salmond says the SNP started as a minority government in 2007. Then it got re-elected with a majority. That was not an accident, he says. It was because people trusted the government.

Salmond says he puts forward a positive case for independence. But on pages 60 and 61 it says what happens if there were a no vote. Scotland would be stuck with Trident, stuck with the bedroom tax, public spending would be cut, and Scotland and the rest of the UK could leave the EU.

That's a bleak outlook, he says. But the rest of the document is uplifting.

Q: Have you had assurances that Scotland would be able to join Nato?

Salmond says 25 out of 28 of them are not nuclear powers. Twenty do not have nuclear weapons on their soil, he says.

Q: What gives you the right to say what's best for the rest of the UK in terms of the currency?

Salmond says he is putting forward an argument about what's best for rest of the UK.

If Scotland's oil and gas were not included in exports, there would be a "massive hole" in the UK's balance of payments.

The currency is part of the UK's assets, he says.

Q: Will Scots keep the pound regardless of whether or not the rest of the UK accepts a currency union?

Salmond says the position is set out in the document. 

Scotland would accept a share of liabilities, he says. But it would expect a share of assets. (This is the veiled threat not to pay Scotland's share of the UK debt.)

Q: There would be difficult negotiations about matters like the euro, Schengen and the rebate. How can you be confident that you will get what you want?

Salmond says Scotland does not want to join the euro. Sweden is in the same position, he says.

He says the Scottish government is putting forward a common sense position. It has every reason to believe it would have wide acceptance.

Sturgeon says the Scottish government accepts "continuity of effect".

Salmond says there is uncertainty; but that comes from Westminster, which is holding an in/out referendum. 

Q: Has the Scottish government discussed EU membership, and its analysis in the white paper, with other EU countries?

Salmond says he would be happy to enter talks with the European Commission. But those talks have to be initiated by the member state, the UK government. The UK government has said it does not want that.

Q: Your foreign affairs representative has been visiting other EU capitals. You must have had discussions.

Salmond says the Scottish government has not heard anything to suggest that other EU countries are not supportive of Scotland's EU membership.

Q: Aren't these policies reversible?

Salmond says he believes in choice. People should get the government they vote for.

Q: You say there would be no border controls. But you also says there would be a borders agency to control migration. Isn't the inconsistent?

Salmond says there would be no border controls on travel from England and Ireland. But there would be controls on people arriving from outside that common travel area.

Q: You are proposing free childcare for pre-school children. Couldn't you do that now? And how much would that cost?

Sturgeon says this proposal is designed to get more women into the workplace.

If the government did that now, the increased revenues would go to Whitehall, she says.

Part two of the document explains the phased way this would be introduced, she says.

If Scotland had the female participation rates in the workplace of Sweden, tax revenues would increase by £700m.

Q: How much would individual Scots benefit from independence?

Salmond says each Scot would have been £2,400 better off if Scotland had controlled its own finances in the past.

In the future independence could benefit Scots to the tune of £600 each, he says.

But the case for independence rests on the policies an independent Scotland would pursue.

Tax cuts become doable and affordable if you keep the revenues, he says.

Q: [From the BBC's Nick Robinson - normally asked first at Westminster press conferences, but kept waiting here.] You say Scots will keep the pound and will be able to watch Strictly on BBC. Shouldn't you admit that there is a doubt about these outcomes?

Salmond says last week there was a scare story saying Scots would not have been able to watch the Dr Who 50th anniversary special. This story ran for few hours before the no campaign realised it was being broadcast all over the world.

On the currency, he says the Scottish government's case is set out on pages 109 to 117.

Salmond says Scoland would be entitled to a share of UK assets.

Even Alistair Darling said earlier this year that a currency union would be "logical and desirable".

Q: But you don't use phrases like "perhaps", "maybe", "if we get our way", "if other people agree". You are hoping for these outcomes. But you may be proved wrong.

Salmond says he has put forward arguments that are "strong and reasonable". People will judge whether they are reasonable.

People will vote for a positive vision, especially one based on reason and common sense.

Q: You say you will agree with the UK government how to share the national vote. But these are contentious issues. How will you negotiate this?

Salmond says page 75 explains the different calculations you could use.

Both options would lead to Scotland having a low share of debt to GDP.

Q: Do you accept that the negotiations would be difficult, and that you could no guarantee the outcome?

Salmond cites Professor James Crawford. He was chosen by the UK government as their expert. He said the time set aside for negotiations was realistic.

On average, in independence negotiations, agreements have been reached in 18 months.

Salmond says Scotland and the UK are modern, sophisticated democracies. Their governments would follow the will of their electorates.

Q: [From ITV's Chris Ship.] I've been given an international media badge.

We are nothing if not far-seeing, says Salmond.

Q: What do you say about the IFS claims about the costs facing an independent Scotland?

Salmond says the IFS study looked forward to 2062. It imagined Scotland being a low growth economy. But that is not the future the SNP plan. They imagine Scotland pursuing different policies.

The IFS also said there would only be residual oil and gas revenues after 2040.Yet firms are investing in the North Sea on the expectation that there will be revenues after 2040.

Q: What would you do about pensions? 

Sturgeon says the devolved government has introduced measures to tackle Scotland's relatively low life expectancy.

On average, Scots have a lower life expectancy than people in the rest of the UK.

That is why the Scottish government would set up an expert commission to look at whether the pension age needs to rise as quickly as in the rest of the UK.

That is a good example of how Scotland needs different policies, he says.

Scotland has an ageing population. That is a good thing. But it needs to increase the working age population.

Salmond jokes that he looks forward to 2062, so that he can debate who was right and who was wrong with the IFS.

Q: You say immigration would be good. But you also say there would be no border controls.

Salmond says he is arguing for a green card system, similar to the one that operates in the Republic of Ireland.

We do not have a negative view of skilled young people, Salmond says. There are foreign students in Scotland. If they want to work in the country, that is a good thing.

Q: People know there are pros and cons to everything. But there does not seem to be any reference to cons in this. What are the downsides to independence?

Salmond says page 75 sets out the budget of the first independent government. It is not a "spendthrift" budget. 

Scotland would start up to £600 a head better off than the rest of the UK, he says.

But the position would still be challenging.

A Scottish government would have different priorities, he says.

It would not spend billions on nuclear weapons. Instead it would spend money on childcare.

It proposes choices. These choices are more in line with the desires of the people of Scotland.

Q: But it is all milk and honey.

Salmond says he does not accept that.

One of Scotland's biggest problems is the democratic deficit, he says. People vote one way, but get something else.

Q: In 1997 there was a white paper, and people voted for it. Then what it proposed was implemented. You are asking people to vote yes to this white paper. But independence would be subject to protracted negotiations. People would get, not this, but something different. Isn't this not so much a white paper but a negotiating hand?

Salmond says he sees a parallel with 1997. In 1997 Salmond wanted a vote on the white paper.Once the democratic mandate was secured, parliament implemented it. 

The Edinburgh agreement says both governments will accept the results of the referendum, he says, and do what is in the best interests of Scotland and the UK as a whole.

You can read the white paper here or here – although the website currently seems to be struggling.


They are now taking questions.

Q: Isn't it true that your plans are very dependent on others?

Salmond says this is not a paper you can just "take a glance" at.

The white paper does include policies an SNP government would try to pursue, he says.

On the currency, he says he has proposed a "common sense" position in the best interests of Scotland and the rest of the UK.

Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon at the Scottish independence white paper launch on 26 November 2013
Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon at the Scottish independence white paper launch today.

Sturgeon says the white paper also sets out the "seamless" process by which Scotland could stay in the EU.

Nicola Sturgeon is speaking now.

The white paper sets out the economic and democratic case for independence, she says.

It puts beyond any doubt the notion that Scotland can become independent.

And it shows how Scotland can use the powers of independence to make the country better.

Independence is not just an end in itself. It is a means to creating a fair society.

A better childcare system is at the heart of the plan, she says.

Pensions will be protected.

Action will be taken to cut energy bills.

Scotland would have strong defences. But it would not have Trident.

Salmond says the white paper answers 650 questions.

But there really is only one question: should Scotland take decisions for itself?

He says he wants a positive debate.

The referendum won't be decided by him, or by the media. It will be decided by the people.

Scotland's future is now in the hands of the Scottish people.


And here come Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

Salmond says the white paper is the most detailed blueprint any people have been offered anywhere in the world as a basis for becoming independent.

Scotland would become independent in better circumstances than almost any other country in the world.

This reflects Scotland's "vast potential". It has an outstanding natural heritage, and skilled and inventive people.

With independence, it could build a fairer nation, he says.

But, to maximise its potential, Scotland needs to be able to take decisions for itself.

It needs to be able to develop its productivity and competitive advantage. And it needs to create a fair society.

Lots of people in the video now: working, dancing, playing. 

The video is starting.

It's images of Scotland's cities, and countryside, with pulsating rock music in the background. So far it's like a Visit Scotland promo without words.

#IndyPlan launch in 2 minutes.

— National Collective (@WeAreNational) November 26, 2013

The press conference is about to start.

We're going to get a video, then statements from Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon. Then they will take questions.

They have let us into the hall where the press conference will take place.

Copies of the white paper were on the seats.

The white paper on Scottish independence

— AndrewSparrow (@AndrewSparrow) November 26, 2013

I'm at the Glasgow science centre now, in the Starbucks with a gang of other journalists waiting for the press conference to start. (Paul Owen has been posting on the blog for the last 45 minutes or so.) Some reporters have been allowed into a different room to read the report (or start reading the report - it's 670 pages, remember) in what's known as a "lock in" (an event where journalists can read a document under embargo, provided they do not report anything until an agreed time). But only a limited number of people have been let in on that basis.

It's drizzling in Glasgow, but it's not cold and, approaching the science museum, there was a glorious rainbow in the sky. Whether Alex Salmond can conjure up a pot of gold, though, remains to be seen.

Glasgow science centre, where Salmond launching #IndyPlan, at end of rainbow!

— AndrewSparrow (@AndrewSparrow) November 26, 2013

There are 200 journalists accredited to be here, including a fair smattering for reporters from non-UK news organisations. When I arrived at reception they had run out of passes saying "domestic media" and I was given one saying "international media". The lady behind the desk was a bit apologetic. "It's not a sign of things to come," she said as she gave me my pass. She was being polite, but she was not being particularly on message. I thought the whole point was that this was meant to be a sign of things to come.

Originally it was expected that the launch would be in Edinburgh. The Scottish government has not given a particularly good explanation as to why we're in Glasgow instead, but the assumption is that it is an attempt to connect with the Glasgow/industrial/Labour-prone voters whose support is seen as crucial if the SNP are to have any chance of winning next year.

An independent Scotland may refuse to accept its share of the United Kingdom's liabilities if London refuses to allow Edinburgh to form a sterling currency union with the remainder of the UK, the deputy first minister of the Scottish government has warned. As Nicholas Watt and Severin Carrell report:

Hours before the launch of the Scottish government's 670-page white paper on independence, Nicola Sturgeon said a shared currency would be in the interests of Scotland and the rest of the UK ...

The deputy first minister told Good Morning Scotland on BBC Radio Scotland: "Sterling is a shared asset. The pound is as much Scotland's as it is the rest of the UK's. The UK government, in the wake of a yes vote, will want Scotland to take its fair share of liabilities. But that only works if we also get our fair share of assets."


Packed press gathering waiting for #indyplan launch at 10. #indyref

— Elizabeth Lloyd (@eliz_lloyd) November 26, 2013

You can watch the launch of the independence white paper live from 10am here.

Media trucks assembling for #indyplan launch #indyref #yes

— Elizabeth Lloyd (@eliz_lloyd) November 26, 2013

MT @KennyMacAskill: Cameras ready! #indyplan #indyref #voteYES

— Peter Murrell (@PeterMurrell) November 26, 2013

Rainbow on the Clyde this morning. A good omen for the SNP's #indyref #WhitePaper launch?

— StephenDaisley (@JournoStephen) November 26, 2013

Nicola Sturgeon was pressed on her currency "plan B" in her Today programme interview earlier. (See 8.27am.) Alistair Darling, head of the Better Together campaign, also raised the issue when he appeared on the programme.

I think [the white paper will] set out what Alex Salmond wants, but that's not quite the same thing as a fully worked out, credible and costed plan. At the heart of this is: what currency would we use? Alex Salmond has said that he wants a currency union rather like the eurozone with the rest of the UK. Now increasingly that's looking like a non-starter, because you've got people on both sides of the argument saying 'look, why on earth would you want to walk yourself into a legal straitjacket?'

It's not just people in the rest of the UK, it's people in the nationalist ranks themselves are saying 'hold on, this is not a good idea'. So at the very least today, what we must see is what the plan B is, if you can't get a currency union - either because no one will agree to it or because you don't like the terms and conditions - what's your fallback position?

I'm off to the Glasgow science centre now for the launch. I will post again when I'm there.


Here are two interesting Scotsman columns on the white paper.

• Michael Fry in the Scotsman (an unusual breed - a pro-independence Tory) says that an independent Scotland could easily carry on using the pound.

If independent Scotland wants to use sterling it can do that too, without even asking the English. Ireland did exactly the same during the period of currency union with the UK that came to an end when it joined the European exchange rate mechanism (forerunner of the euro) in 1979. Dáil Éireann had adopted the pound by its Currency Act of 1927 and, as far as I can discover, this unilateral legislation was the sole legal authority for the move.

At any rate, I do not think Irish governments of those days were in the habit of asking permission from Westminster to do whatever the newly independent country, recently liberated by violence, wanted to do. Again, the English should count themselves lucky that what the Scots propose instead is an agreement. But if they spurn it, Scotland can continue using sterling anyway.

The only way the English could prevent this would be by abandoning sterling’s status as a fully convertible reserve currency, which would entail introducing exchange controls. They would need to bring in legislation banning, say, Standard Life, the biggest company in Scotland and doing more business south of the Border than north of it, from using sterling in its Scottish transactions. I am not sure what its English shareholders would have to say about this.

• Peter Jones in the Scotsman says that, if Scotland votes yes, neither side may get what it wants in the independence negotiations.

My, non-partisan, view is that actually it demonstrates the unpredictability of these sort of negotiations and that the major players will look for deals which secure their own interests first and those of other actors are a secondary consideration. It means, assuming a Yes vote, that neither the Scottish nor the UK government will end up with what they expect.

The prospect of Scotland breaking out of the union with England, Wales, and Northern Ireland may not exactly be a threat to global stability, but it is nonetheless an international issue of considerable interest, certainly to European political players and further afield, too.

We know broadly what Mr Salmond expects independence will deliver, which will have an impact internationally – Scottish membership of the European Union, non-nuclear independent membership of Nato, and Scottish sharing of the pound inside a UK sterling zone.

We also know a bit about what the UK government’s attitude to these expectations is. What we don’t know is how other countries, who have levers in this debate, regard it. We might expect that France, for example, which has an equivocal relationship with Britain, or les Anglo-Saxons, might cheerfully help push through Scottish EU membership. But what if it regards the upheaval of having to remove Trident submarines from Scotland as an unacceptable dilution of European, and hence French, security?

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's deputy first minister, has just finished an interview on the Today programme. She was on Good Morning Scotland earlier.

Both interviews started with questions about the currency that an independent Scotland would use. Why would an independent Scotland be able to have a currency union with the rest of the UK (rUK) when George Osborne and Ed Balls have both indicated that they would block a currency union of that kind?

Sturgeon started with the Mandy Rice-Davies argument: they would say that, wouldn't they?

You would expect opponents of independence to say this now, she said. But, after a yes vote, politicians like Osborne and Balls would change their stance. They would accept a currency union, because it would be in the interests of rUK.

She said there were three reasons for this: Scotland is rUK's second largest export market; its oil and gas sales make a valuable contribution to the UK's balance of payments; and the pound is a shared asset.

In her Today interview, Sturgeon suggested that if Scotland were not offered a currency union, it would refuse to take on its share of the UK's debt. She did not want this outcome, she said. But if Scotland did not get its share of the UK's assets, including the pound, it could not be expected to take its share of its liabilities.

She was also pressed to say whether the SNP had an alternative plan if rUK continued to say no to a currency union (ie is there a plan B?). She repeatedly sidestepped the question, saying that a currency union was in the best interests of Scotland. 


Better Together, the cross-party anti-independence campaign, is running its own live blog about the publication of the white paper today. 

My colleague Severin Carrell, the Guardian's Scotland correspondent, has published a good preview of the white paper. Here's an extract.

The SNP's central strategy is to target key electoral groups who are either the most likely to back independence or the largely reluctant but necessary to win over: the SNP has mastered this technique, using sophisticated data and surveys to identify specific demographics.

In the former category are leftwing, younger voters, small business owners and the urban working class. Women and young mothers, and pensioners fall in the latter.

Ministers have already promised to abolish the bedroom tax and there are reports they would abandon the universal credit welfare reform, too. Nicola Sturgeon, the deputy first minister, has promised action on a higher minimum wage and action on child care. Older voters were lured in September with promises of earlier retirement ages, and better-protected pensions.

Scottish independence white paper - Questions to be answered

The white paper is apparently going to contain answers to 650 questions about independence. That's rather a lot, even for a blog like this where space isn't a problem, and I'm not going to guess what all 650 in their document are.

Here instead is a rather shorter guide to the key questions the document needs to answer.

Currency: This, perhaps, is the biggest issue of all. The SNP government has said that it wants to retain the pound and form a currency union with the rest of the UK (or rUK, as it's called in this debate). But the UK government has strongly suggested that it would refuse to form a currency union with an independent Scotland. So what would happen then? What would Edinburgh do to force London to cooperate? Would it really refuse to pay its share of the UK's national debt, as Scottish ministers have hinted? Even if rUK did agree to a currency union, what constraints would this impose on Scotland? A private Scottish government cabinet briefing paper (pdf), written in 2012 and leaked this year, admitted that if Scotland were in a formal monetary union with rUK, “Scotland would decide on the best overall fiscal stance which is appropriate for the Scottish economy, whilst ensuring that it remained in line with any agreements for the monetary union.” The UK government itself has said that any currency union might require “rigorous oversight of Scotland's economic and fiscal plans by both the new Scottish and continuing UK authorities”. What might these agreements actually say? And would Scotland expect a seat on the Bank of England's monetary policy committee?

Tax: Last week the Institute for Fiscal Studies published an analysis claiming that an independent Scotland would find it harder balancing the books than rUK (because its population is ageing more and because it would be overly dependent on North Sea oil revenues, among other reasons) and that, if it wanted to bring debt to manageable levels over the next 50 years, it would have to increase taxes or cut spending by the equivalent of 4.1% of national income (or £6bn). What will the white paper say about these claims? The SNP has suggested that corporation tax would be cut in an independent Scotland. Would any other taxes be cut? Would any go up? And, with regard to oil revenues, when would an independent Scotland set up the sovereign wealth fund the SNP has proposed? And, if Scotland took charge of most of the UK's North Sea oil, would it pay the estimated £30bn costs associated with decommissioning rigs in those oil fields?

Jobs and the economy: What would the economy look like in an independent Scotland? In particular, the white paper is expected to address questions facing particular sectors of the economy. For example, what would happen to financial services? And how would they be regulated? And would an independent Scotland be able to form an “energy union” with rUK?

Welfare: What would the welfare system look like in an independent Scotland? We know that the SNP want to get rid of the bedroom tax, and it has been reported that the white paper will include a commitment to get rid of Iain Duncan Smith's universal credit. But what would be the distinctive features of a Scottish welfare state?

Pensions: This is another key issue. The SNP has said that all pensions in an independent Scotland would be paid “on time and in full”. It has also suggested that an independent Scotland could decide not to raise the state pension age in line with rUK. Will the white paper firm up this proposal? More importantly, what will it say about the long-term future of the state pension and public sector pensions? And there is a particular problem about company pension schemes that it needs to address. The funding rules for final salary schemes covering just one country are different from those for schemes that cross borders, which are not allowed to be underfunded. According to one estimate, this rule would create a £250bn funding gap. What would an independent Scotland do to address this?

Foreign affairs: The SNP say an independent Scotland would join the EU, but there is some uncertainty about how this would happen. Would negotiations be able to conclude before independence was declared, or would an independent Scotland face a period outside the EU? Would it have to agree to join the euro? Or the Schengen agreement (which could lead, in theory, to passport checks at Gretna Green)? And would an independent Scotland expect to keep its share of the UK rebate? More generally, what would an independent Scotland's foreign policy look like? The Commons foreign affairs committee complained that Alex Salmond's policies appeared “to be underpinned by a belief that where problems emerge, goodwill for Scotland will trump difficulties”? And will Scotland set up its own embassies, or expect to share them with rUK?

Defence: The SNP has said that it wants an independent Scotland to have an armed force comprising personnel, but how will they be structured, and what will they do? The key issue, though, is Trident. Getting rid of the Trident nuclear submarine system has been a key SNP goal for years. But how quickly might this happen? And what would be the impact on jobs?

Broadcasting: The SNP says it would create a new national broadcaster to replace the BBC. But how would it be funded? And would it carry advertising? And would Scottish viewers have to pay to carry on viewing BBC programmes? Alistair Darling, the leader of the Better Together campaign, has said that under SNP plans the Scots would be reduced to “becoming eavesdroppers to one of the world's most successful broadcasting corporations”.

I have taken some of the quotes from David Torrance's excellent new book about the independence campaign, The Battle for Britain. If you are looking for a clear, informed and balanced guide to this subject, this book will be very hard to beat.


The phrase “white paper” is not one that normally stirs the passions, but in Glasgow today the Scottish government is going to publish one that has been described in some quarters as the most important document in the nation's history since the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320.

It's the white paper on independence, a document that is intended to answer all the outstanding questions about how Scotland would become independent, and what the new nation would be like, if Scots vote to leave the United Kingdom in the referendum on 18 September next year.

From what we've been told, it is certainly going to be thorough. Expect something the size of a telephone directory. It is going to be 670 pages long, and it is going to contain more than 170,000 words. And it will apparently include a 200-page section providing answers to 650 specific questions about independence. Alex Salmond, Scotland's SNP first minister, and his deputy, Nicola Sturgeon, believe that this will be the document that sets the terms for the debate over the next 10 months. This is what Sturgeon wrote about it at the weekend:

Tuesday’s publication is, above all, a document designed for the public. We already know what the No campaign will say about it – their script is written. We decided at an early stage that Project Fear wasn’t going to drive the document. Instead it sets out to give the public the information they need. So, for example, on issues where negotiation will be required, we set out the rational, reasonable and responsible case that serves the interests of both Scotland and the rest of the UK.

Our message to the people of Scotland is: read it, compare and contrast it with the increasingly bizarre scaremongering of Project Fear, and make up your own minds. The publication of the White Paper is the moment the scaremongering of No comes head to head with common sense and a clear vision of the future.

We want as many households in Scotland as possible to have a copy of this guide to independence, and I will be setting out next week in more detail the plans for informing the public about the paper and everything that is in it.

She also said that she was confident that it was “without parallel, as the most thorough and detailed blueprint for an independent country ever produced”.

Sturgeon also admitted that the white paper would be something of a mix, because it would combine “two categories of policy choice”. Partly it will be a negotiating document, setting out the concessions the SNP government would demand as it negotiated independence with the Westminster government representing the rest of the UK (or rUK, as it is known in the independence debate) in the period between a yes vote in September 2014 and independence on 24 March 2016. And partly it will be a more visionary manifesto setting out what an SNP government would do with independence post-2016. (It is, of course, theoretically possible that the Scots could vote for independence in 2014, but then vote two years later for another party to take over, but don't expect anyone to waste much time speculating on that scenario today.)

What are we expecting this morning? Probably not many surprises (although there are reports that there will be big childcare announcement in the document), because the SNP has already told us rather a lot about its independence plans. But there will be intense interest in some of the detail. More importantly, the publication of the white paper will mark the moment when Scots can start to make a judgment on the credibility and appeal of the full independence prospectus set out by Salmond.

I'm in Glasgow and I will be covering the launch, the contents of the white paper and the reaction to it all day. My colleague Paul Owen will be helping at points throughout the day, and Guardian specialists will also be contributing.

Here's the timetable for the day.

10am: Launch of the white paper at the Glasgow science centre.

After 2pm: Nicola Sturgeon makes a statement on the white paper in the Scottish parliament.

If you want to follow me on Twitter, I'm on @AndrewSparrow, and Paul Owen is @paultowen.


Join Guardian political correspondent Andrew Sparrow as he brings you all the day's political stories live from Westminster and beyond

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