Palestine Papers: Why I blew the whistle
The mislabeled "peace talks" were instrumental in creating divisions amongst Palestinians, compelling me to speak out.
14 May 2011 06:20 GMT
The Palestine Papers
The Palestine Papers fallout
Erekat quits over Palestine Papers
Two-state solution: A postmortem
David Poort 27 Jan 2011 13:24 GMT
Did the PA know about the Gaza war in advance? That's a question raised by several exchanges in The Palestine Papers.
26 Jan 2011 19:38 GMT
Documents reveal a Palestinian Authority that's critical, mistrustful and fearful of Arab neighbours.
PA, with US encouragement, delayed a UN vote on the Goldstone Report into war crimes committed during Israel's Gaza war.
S. Farhan Mustafa
Playful banter, inappropriate jokes and bizarre rants: We take you through the "lighter side" of The Palestine Papers.
Laila Al-Arian
Al Jazeera receives numerous mentions, none of them flattering, in this trove of Palestinian documents.
PA negotiators are increasingly proposing an idea that's met with derision from Israelis, sharp criticism from the US.
David Poort
PA is bluntly critical of many Arab states, particularly Egyptian efforts to broker a deal between Hamas and Fatah.
Amira Howeidy
David Poort 25 Jan 2011 19:34 GMT
Top PA negotiator offers to allow Israel to re-occupy the Philadelphi corridor on the Gaza-Egypt border.
David Poort 25 Jan 2011 20:08 GMT
Documents include handwritten notes of 2005 exchange between PA and Israel on plan to kill Palestinian fighter in Gaza.
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Earlier Coverage
Ali Abunimah 26 Jan 2011 19:39 GMT
The PA blocked potential prisoner swaps that would have freed thousands of Palestinians and Shalit.
Laila Al-Arian 25 Jan 2011 19:35 GMT
For Fatah, the Annapolis process seems to have been as much about crushing Hamas as about ending Israel's occupation.
25 Jan 2011 19:35 GMT
Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad wondered whether Quartet envoy's initiatives were too small to be helpful.
25 Jan 2011 19:35 GMT
British government also provided financial support for two Fatah security forces linked to torture.
Israeli negotiators demanded to keep Israeli troops in the West Bank and to maintain control of Palestinian airspace.
Israeli negotiators, including Tzipi Livni, proposed "swapping" some of Israel's Arab villages into a Palestinian state.
Palestinian Authority proposed that only a handful of the nearly six million Palestinian refugees be allowed to return.
Laila Al-Arian
Obama pressured PA negotiators to restart talks and refused to honour one of the Bush administration's key promises.
The Palestine Papers reveal that Kadima's leaders refused to compromise on even the most basic issues.
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Introducing The Palestine Papers
Al Jazeera has obtained more than 1,600 internal documents from a decade of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

We've compiled a list of the most frequently-used terms from The Palestine Papers.

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