Middle East & North Africa
Is the PA stalling Gaza war crimes probe?
There has been no international investigation into war crimes in Gaza so far. Leaked document may hold clues as to why.
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria now have about 20,000 to 31,500 members on the ground, US intelligence agency says.
Following US decision to go after Islamic State group in Syria, minister says Damascus' approval is needed for action.
Conflicting reports over progress of negotiations between government and rebels but both sides say talks have begun.
Fijian soldiers, released by Nusra Front after two weeks of captivity, cross to Israeli side of Golan Heights.
Artists from over 30 countries have transformed a village on the Tunisian island of Djerba into an 'open-air museum'.
An overview of the religious and ethnic groups forced to flee from the Islamic State group's advance.
31 Aug 2014 15:30 GMTInside Syria
UN says crisis is biggest humanitarian emergency of our time as the number of refugees tops three million.
The Stream 29 Aug 2014 19:26 GMTThe Stream
What are the implications for the escalating violence in the deeply divided country?
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