Phil Davis

I am an independent researcher and publishing consultant specializing in the statistical analysis of readership and citation data. I am a former postdoctoral researcher in science communication and former science librarian.
Phil Davis has written 259 posts for The Scholarly Kitchen

Is Open Access a Cause or an Effect?

Why can’t researchers agree on whether Open Access is the cause of more citations or merely associated with better performing papers? The answer is in the methods. Continue reading

Libraries Receive Shrinking Share of University Expenditures

Over the past three decades, the research library has been receiving a smaller proportion of the university budget. Does this trend reflect the failure of library administrators and the declining relevance of libraries? Or does it tell the story of self-control and growing efficiency against a backdrop of spiraling higher education costs? Continue reading

Did He Just Say That?! The Perils of Video Recording the Conference Presentation

Science journalist, John Bohannon, castigates publishers as corrupt, scientists as furious, and journalists as the fix. Or did he? Continue reading

Open Access Publication Gains Acceptance With Authors, Licenses Still Problematic

A recent survey of authors by Taylor and Francis reveals growing acceptance of open access publishing; however, Creative Commons licensing may still pose a problem. Continue reading

PLOS ONE Output Falls 25 Percent

Publication output for the largest journal in science continues to fall, just not as fast as leading indicators would predict. Continue reading

What Motivates Reviewers? An Experiment in Economics

Shorter deadlines, email reminders, and cash incentives can speed up the peer review process and minimize unintended effects, a recent study suggests. Can it work for other disciplines? Continue reading

What Researchers Value from Publishers, Canadian Survey

Peer review, journal reputation, and fast publication were selected by Canadian researchers as the top three factors in deciding where to submit their manuscripts, trumping open access, article-level metrics, and mobile access, a recent study reports. Continue reading

Reinventing the Impact Factor for the 21st century

If we were to build a citation reporting system today, what would it look like? In this post, I propose a solution that would do away with a separate Journal Citation Report (JCR) and propose a suite of services built around the Web of Science, directed to the needs of journal editors and publishers. Continue reading

PLOS ONE Output Falls Following Impact Factor Decline

Are authors leaving PLOS ONE for higher performing journals? Continue reading

Are Scientists Reading Less? Apparently, Scientists Didn’t Read This Paper

When novel, newsworthy results are discovered to be wrong, is that still news? Continue reading

Side Dishes by Stewart Wills

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The mission of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) is "[t]o advance scholarly publishing and communication, and the professional development of its members through education, collaboration, and networking." SSP established The Scholarly Kitchen blog in February 2008 to keep SSP members and interested parties aware of new developments in publishing.
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