Hugo Chávez

  • Editors' picks

  • Populist leader of Venezuela – a charismatic hero to the poor who denounced capitalism and persecuted his opponents
  • Hugo Chavez Venezuelan leader leaves legacy of literacy and healthcare for poor alongside crumbling infrastructure and dependence on oil
  • President Hugo Chavez Video (7min 19sec): Rory Carroll, author of a new biography of Hugo Chávez, looks back at the life of Venezuela's 'commandante', who has died in Caracas, aged 58
  • Chavez obit update Gallery (21 pictures): The Venezuelan leader, who has died aged 58, had a colourful presidency and became a hero to millions
  • Hugo Chávez funeral Video (1min 46sec): Venezuela mourns Hugo Chávez, who died after a two-year battle with cancer on Tuesday, at his state funeral in Caracas

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