What Was the Best Time in History to be Gay? (Video.)

Expanding the LGBTQ Conversation
Aug. 6 2014 7:30 AM

Ask a Homo: Gay History 101


Welcome back to Ask a Homo, a judgment-free zone where the gays of Outward answer questions about LGBTQ politics, culture, etiquette, language, and other queer conundrums. Today‘s query will surely launch a thousand dorm-room discussions: Do the rights and freedoms we currently enjoy mean that now is the best time in history to be gay?

If there are questions you’ve been dying to ask a member of the real rainbow coalition, this is your chance. Send your queries—for publication—to slateoutward@gmail.com, and please put “ASK A HOMO” in the subject line. Note that questions may be edited.


J. Bryan Lowder is a Slate assistant editor. He writes and edits for Outward, Slate’s LGBTQ section, and for the culture section.