Studying law

What's the best route into law?

Studying law at undergraduate level is impressive – but genuine passion impresses employers most, whatever route you take

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Law firms don't want 'cookie cutter trainees' with the same degrees and backgrounds. Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian

There are many different ways to become a lawyer, all of which have pros and cons. Whether you aspire to be a solicitor or a barrister, the most obvious first step is to apply for an undergraduate law degree.

But don't rush into it: are you genuinely interested in academic law? Or would you rather study something you're more passionate about?

If you've always dreamt of studying science, history, philosophy, or languages at university, you don't have to give up on this. Law firms don't discriminate against people who haven't studied law as undergraduates. In fact, many heartily welcome trainees with non-law degrees.

Some magic circle firms claim that around half of their trainees don't have law degrees. Slaughter and May claims to employ solicitors who studied 126 different degree courses, including history, biology, languages, psychology and chemistry. The firm recently employed a former gynecologist, according to Robert Byk, a partner at the firm who is responsible for trainee recruitment.

"The practical application of law and what we do day-to-day isn't necessarily reflected in the academic study of it," he says. "Trainees here would say that after a short period you probably can't tell who was a undergraduate law student and who wasn't."

More important than the your degree subject are your grades.

"Firms look closely at how you've performed in each module of your undergraduate degree," says Elizabeth Cope, head of trainee recruitment at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer.

"So it's better to get high marks in a subject you enjoy than lower marks in something you're not interested in."

Freshfields doesn't want "cookie cutter trainees" who've had the same experiences in life. Part of that diversity stems from the subjects applicants have studied and their interests, says Cope.

Linklaters also say they only look at a candidate's grades, not what they studied, when screening applications. And Clifford Chance say they are keen to hire the most talented individuals, regardless of their background and what they've studied.

"Non-law graduates bring a different perspective to law," says Peter Crisp, chief executive and dean of BPP Law School.

"In certain areas having a science background is hugely helpful, such as intellectual property and patent work, because the nature of the work is particularly complex."

"You get the best of both worlds if you do the GDL," says Crisp. "Students come to the course with graduate skills, so they know how to study, which is what allows us to teach all seven modules in one year in such an intensive way."

Victoria Green studied politics, psychology and sociology at the University of Cambridge before securing a training contract with a silver circle firm and passing the GDL. She is currently an LPC student at BPP University.

"I'm sure law graduates have a deeper knowledge of the law, but many haven't studied parts for two or three years, whereas I studied them on the GDL months ago.

"Also the course seems to be much more about technique and practical requirements than legal argument."

However, if you don't have a law degree it takes a year longer to qualify, as you'll need to complete the graduate diploma in law (GDL).

On top of this, after passing the GDL, would-be lawyers must take the Legal Practice Course (LPC) or the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC), depending on whether you want to become a solicitor or barrister.

The GDL can cost up to around £10,000 for UK students depending on where you study. Fees may be covered by your future employer if you are lucky enough to secure a training contract or a pupillage in advance.

But if you don't, it can be an expensive and risky investment. Non-law students can only apply for training contracts in their final year of university, whereas law students can apply in their penultimate year.

Opting for law as an undergraduate is the quickest and cheapest way of becoming a lawyer and it arguably offers a more in-depth knowledge of some aspects of law.

"Law students probably bring a deeper understanding of the academic side of the law, certainly at junior level. An undergraduate law degree is far more intense than the GDL can possibly be," says Cope.

You're also more likely to know whether you enjoy the study and practice of law if you study it at university. Plus an undergraduate law degree can be valuable in itself, even if you don't plan to pursue it as a career.

"It's rigorous, analytical and involves problem-solving, as well as other skills you need for business, life and jobs," says Imogen Burton, director of business development at The University of Law.

An undergraduate law degree can also show that you're a hard worker who can manage their time, according to Byk. Between April and June 2013, the employment rate among those with a law degree was 89% (click here for the spreadsheet).

Sixth formers who are unsure about the career they want to pursue, therefore, shouldn't dismiss studying law at undergraduate level. It's a good idea to get some work experience – such as a short placement in a law firm, or shadowing a barrister at the bar – before opting to study it.

Ultimately, studying what you're passionate about at university will motivate you more to achieve academically. This will impress prospective employers most, regardless of the career you pursue.

Green would still have chosen a non-law degree, even if she had known from the start that she wanted to be a lawyer.

"I really enjoyed my degree, a lot more than some of the lawyers at university seemed to, and I don't feel like my opportunity to work in law has been restricted by not studying law at undergraduate level.

"It just means I have a bit of catching up to do, which seems like a fair trade for enjoying my three years at university."

• Did you do an undergraduate degree in law? Or the Graduate Diploma in Law after you graduated? Let us know how you found the route you took in the comment section below.

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