Fracking may be causing groundwater pollution, says EPA report

The US Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday for the first time that fracking — a controversial method of improving the productivity of oil and gas wells — may be to blame for causing groundwater pollution…

The EPA found that compounds likely associated with fracking chemicals had been detected in the groundwater beneath Pavillion, a small community in central Wyoming where residents say their well water reeks of chemicals. Health officials last year advised them not to drink their water after the EPA found low levels hydrocarbons in their wells…

Calgary, Alberta-based Encana Corp. owns the Pavillion gas field. An announced $45m sale to Midland, Texas-based Legacy Reserves LP fell through last month amid what Encana said were Legacy’s concerns about the EPA investigation.

Encana spokesman Doug Hock said there was much to question about the draft study.

The compounds EPA said could be associated with fracking, he said, could have had other origins not related to gas development.

“Those could just have likely been brought about by contamination in their sampling process or construction of their well,” Hock said…

Sen James Inhofe said the study was “not based on sound science but rather on political science.”

“Its findings are premature, given that the Agency has not gone through the necessary peer-review process, and there are still serious outstanding questions regarding EPA’s data and methodology,” the Oklahoma Republican said in a statement.

Fracking may be causing groundwater pollution, says EPA report | Guardian

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