Produced by KQED

About Health Dialogues

Health Dialogues is a special series from KQED's "The California Report" that facilitates an ongoing discussion of California health care issues that are important to the underserved: children, low-income residents, minorities, and people with disabilities to name just a few.

Underwritten by a grant from
The California Endowment

Also From California Report


A window into health in California.


Recent Posts from State of Health

California faces health care challenges seen across the country: soaring costs, increasing chronic illness and a high rate of uninsured. At a time of intense focus on reform, State of Health explores these issues and more, bringing you stories of challenge and change in the Golden State. The blog is edited by Lisa Aliferis.

Field Poll Shows Support Slipping for Two Health Propositions

Policy | Sep 11, 2014

Field Poll Shows Support Slipping for Two Health Propositions

Posted by Lisa Aliferis

Both measures had strong support early in the summer, but well below 50 percent today.

Vaccine Opt-Out Rate Doubled in 7 Years; Look Up Your School Online

Community Health | Sep 11, 2014

Vaccine Opt-Out Rate Doubled in 7 Years; Look Up Your School Online

Posted by state of health

Parents must now meet with a health provider before opting out of vaccines.

Visit State of Health »

Recent Posts from ouRXperience

ouRXperience is a blog chronicling health in neighborhoods and communities across California. Our citizen correspondents are our eyes and ears on the ground, so we can form a more complete understanding of just what state our health is in.

Visit ouRXperience »

Health Dialogues Archive

Medical Mistakes

Are California hospitals reporting medical mistakes and infections accurately - or at all? Learn about efforts to reduce these risks, and find out what officials and consumers can do to safeguard against medical mistakes.

Disordered Eating

This month, Health Dialogues explores what experts call "disordered eating." We look at the causes and effects of abnormal eating patterns, from the less severe to classic eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia and binge eating.

Baby Boomers and Medicare

In January 2011, a demographic tsunami will hit Medicare as Baby Boomers start turning 65 and become eligible for federal health care benefits. Are there enough doctors to meet the demand for care? Is Medicare ready for the Boomers?

Mental Health

Health Dialogues takes a look at successes and unmet needs in treating mental illness - from adolescents to veterans, in rural and urban areas. We also check in on the effects of Proposition 63, the state's mental health services act.

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