From the Agencies: Daily life in India by Bernat Armangue

Bernat Armangue has worked for The Associated Press since 2005. He is currently based in Delhi, covering south Asia. Here, he captures daily life in New Delhi and Mumbai

Rickshaw drivers wait for customers outside the Jama Masjid mosque.
Rickshaw drivers wait for customers outside the Jama Masjid mosque, New Delhi.
A clothes vendor awaits customers as a boy carries tea in the old city of New Delhi.
A clothes vendor awaits customers as a boy carries tea in the old city of New Delhi.
An albino man sleeps surrounded of piles of equipment in New Delhi, India.
An albino man sleeps surrounded of piles of equipment in New Delhi, India.
A man carries chickens for sale near a market in Mumbai.
A man carries chickens for sale near a market in Mumbai.
A labourer loads up goods at Chawri Bazar, in New Delhi.
A labourer loads up goods at Chawri Bazar, in New Delhi.
A schoolgirl walks through an alley.
A schoolgirl walks through an alley in New Delhi.
Barbers attend to customers in the old city area of New Delhi.
Barbers attend to customers in the old city area of New Delhi. Photograph: Bernat Armangue/AP
Homeless men sleep covered with blankets near Jama Masjid mosque in New Delhi.
Homeless men sleep covered with blankets near Jama Masjid mosque in New Delhi.
A child is held up to get closer to an idol of the elephant-headed Hindu God Ganesha in Mumbai, India, during the Ganesha Chaturthi festival.
A child is held up to get closer to an idol of the elephant-headed Hindu God Ganesha in Mumbai, India, during the Ganesha Chaturthi festival.
Hindu men splash water on a large statue of the elephant-headed Hindu God Ganesha before immersing it in the Arabian Sea on the final day of the festival of Ganesha Chaturthi in Mumbai.
Hindu men splash water on a statue of the God Ganesha before immersing it in the Arabian Sea on the final day of the festival of Ganesha Chaturthi in Mumbai. Photograph: Bernat Armangue/AP
An auto rickshaw damaged after a tree branch fell on it during monsoon rains in New Delhi.
An auto rickshaw damaged after a tree branch fell on it during monsoon rains in New Delhi.
A man feeds pigeons in Mumbai.
A man feeds pigeons in Mumbai.

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