David Attenborough returns to the Great Barrier Reef for a new BBC series

Veteran wildlife presenter to film three hour-long nature documentaries for BBC1 to be broadcast next year

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Sir David Attenborough
David Attenborough first filmed on the reef in 1957. Photograph: Martin Godwin for The Guardian

Sir David Attenborough is returning to the Great Barrier Reef for a new BBC series, almost six decades after he first filmed there.

The veteran wildlife presenter will front three hour-long films from the natural wonder off the coast of Australia, using sophisticated techniques to examine the array of creatures in new ways.

The landmark BBC1 series, to be called David Attenborough’s Great Barrier Reef, is being made by the team behind the award-winning First Life and is expected to be screened late next year.

They will use techniques such as satellite scanning to examine the 1,429-mile reef as well as macro lenses on the cameras that will enable viewers to close in on tiny and normally unseen creatures.

Attenborough first filmed on the reef for the series Zoo Quest in 1957, and has retained his passion for the location.

He said: “People say to me, ‘what was the most magical thing you ever saw in your life?’, and I always say without a word of exaggeration ‘the first time I was lucky enough to scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef’.

“As I entered the water I remember suddenly seeing these amazing multi-coloured species living in communities – just astounding and unforgettable beauty. So I’m very excited to be returning to the reef with all the latest technology and science to see one of the most important places on the planet in a whole new way”.

BBC1 controller Charlotte Moore said: “With the combination of David Attenborough’s personal connection with the reef, his masterful storytelling and the very latest cutting-edge technology, viewers will see the Great Barrier Reef as we’ve never seen it before – a really exciting visual treat for BBC1.”

The series was commissioned by Charlotte Moore and Tom McDonald, head of commissioning, science and natural history, and will be produced by Anthony Geffen.

“David said that the Great Barrier Reef was the place he most wanted to return to. I’m so pleased that we will be going there for this, our tenth project together,” Geffen, of Atlantic Productions, said.

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