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Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm – essential information

Want to join a community supported agriculture scheme? Find out the background, funding, future plans and more details here

oak tree low carbon farm pig sty
Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm in Ipswich Photograph: Jonathan Cherry

Name: Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm

Age: about five years

Location: Ipswich

Why it started:

“The farm was very much a coming together of two questions, can we produce food and can we run a low-carbon farm?” explains founder Joanne Mudhar. “I’d had one allotment, then two allotments and then a small holding in France, so when 12 acres came available just on the edge of Ipswich, I had to go for it.” But she soon realised there was far too much to manage on her own. Her community came together to help, and the land soon developed into a community farm, with everyone buying shares and enjoying the spoils from the land: “The farm is 12 acres, so technically it’s a small holding but we call it a farm because it’s easier.”

How many people are involved?

There are 55 households involved in the scheme – around 150 people in total. “We get up to 30 people coming to work on the days when we do intensive farming, and it is incredible the amount of work you can get done with that number of people,” explains Mudhar. “Some of these people had no experience of farming whatsoever until recently, and now one person who worked here went on to study horticulture – it’s inspiring!”

Does the group get funding?

When Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm started, Mudhar paid for most of the equipment herself. The farm then received £10,000 from the Big Lottery Fund and £20,000 from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation for running costs. “Both grants were used with the very definite aim of being able to grow membership enough to enable the farm to become financially self sufficient,” explains Joanne. The farm is now entirely self-funded by the members who pay £8 per week to receive an equal share of all the vegetables grown on the farm. This will increase to £8.50 per week from June 2015.

What would they like to do next?

The group are looking into solar energy. They would also like to build a low-key kitchen on the farm to run more cookery-based classes with the produce, as well as setting up a welcome centre. “At the moment we just have a polytunnel and a plastic sheet – it isn’t very welcoming to visitors!”

What can you do to help?

Volunteers need to be members of our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) scheme but friends and family of CSA members are welcome to accompany members on the farm.

From 27 September 2014 the farm will be recruiting for more members to be involved in the veg box scheme.

Can I set something like this up in my area?

There may already be a CSA near you; ou can use the Soil Association’s map of CSAs around the country to find one in your area.

The Soil Association has masses of incredibly useful information for setting up your own community supported agriculture (CSA) project:

  • They have an action manual full of advice on CSA; from the different models and routes to take through to financial, legal and land issues. View and download it here
  • There are also numerous short films profiling established CSA projects around the country
  • There is a range of funding models depending on your set-up, which you can find here. If you are a rural community the Plunkett Foundation is also an excellent source of support and a good place to start

“There’s an increasing amount of support available for those interested in setting up a community project and lots of great case studies for inspiration,” says Colleen McCulloch, the Soil Association’s agricultural development manager. “If you’re not lucky first time don’t be put off – use it as a chance to hone your idea and try again.”

You can also visit Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm to see how it’s done. The annual farm tour will take place on Saturday 27 September (£5 per adult), or you can organise a visit on another day by visiting our website (please note there is a charge for visits). “You need as much practical experience as possible,” warns Mudhar. Her advice: “Volunteer and get involved with as many similar projects as you can find and don’t be afraid. Just don’t jump into it too quickly. Sometimes I think to myself: ‘Well this was a very daft idea, Joanne!’ but you know what ... It’s turned out OK.”

Patrick Barkham: how I helped bring in the harvest

This article is part of the Live Better Community Project month. In September, we are showcasing 17 community projects from around the UK. On Wednesday 24 September, we will ask you to vote for your favourite project. The project with the most votes will be awarded £1,000 of funding, and two runners-up will each receive funding of £500. One voter chosen at random will receive £150 worth of gift vouchers for Nigel’s Eco Store. Terms and conditions here.

With thanks to: 10:10; FOE; Project Dirt; Neighbourly; UK Community Foundations; Groundwork; Business in the Community; Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens; the Prince’s Trust; Garden Organic; the Royal Horticultural Society; the RSPB; Keep Wales Tidy; The Wildlife Trusts; and Mind.

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