
I will be a junior in high school next year, and because I've been lucky to stumble on a lot of really great sex-positive resources, I've learned I have a pretty strong interest in sexuality--as in, studying it/doing something in it as a career. However, getting information about this field is much more difficult than, say, engineering or law. What are jobs within this field, what are areas in college/majors you'd advise, and what are some ways I can get involved now, as a minor? My areas of interest are not really in the medical field--I'm more interested in counseling, giving advice, activism, and education

Also, do you have any advice for telling people about my interest? Right now the only person who knows is my boyfriend, because it's really difficult for me to trust most other people to not equivocate wanting to study sexuality with being obsessed with having sex. Esp my parents, who are politically liberal in every way except in their parenting. They ask me what I want to do with my life really often, and it's kinda stressful to not be able to talk to them.

My parent is extremely uncomfortable about sex and sexuality, especially as it pertains to me. She also tends to react extremely emotionally to decisions I make about my sex and sexuality which are different than those that she makes. She has some misinformation of contraception

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S.E.X. by Heather CorinnaS.E.X. by Heather Corinna"Geared towards 16-22-year-olds of any gender, S.E.X. covers the nuts and bolts of anatomy in a tone that's conversational, not cutesy…it's her holistic approach and deft handling of other heavy topics, from eating disorders to abuse, that make this book a must-read." - Bust Magazine

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