UK’s winter floods strengthen belief humans causing climate change – poll

Britons say they are more convinced climate is changing and that humans are the main cause
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Flooded propeties are seen as water surrounds the village of Moorland on the Somerset Levels near Bridgwater on February 10, 2014 in Somerset, England.
A flooded Moorland village on the Somerset Levels near Bridgwater on 10 February. Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty Images

More than a quarter of people say UK’s winter floods strengthened their belief in human-induced climate change, a survey has found.

Half the people polled for the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) said widespread flooding in early 2014 made them more convinced the climate was changing, and 27% said the floods had also increased their belief humans were the main cause.

But the polling by ComRes of 2,021 people also revealed misconceptions about climate science, despite a majority of people claiming to be very or fairly well informed on climate change.

Only one in nine people (11%) said that almost all climate scientists believe that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, are mainly responsible for rising temperatures.

More than two-fifths (43%) think that a majority of climate scientists believe in human-induced climate change, but 35% think experts are split half and half, and 11% believe either a minority or almost none of the scientific community accept the theory.

The finding, which is contradicted by studies showing more than 90% of climate scientists believe humans are the main cause of global warming, has “uncomfortable echoes” of the MMR controversy 15 years ago, the ECIU said.

Overall, 57% of people thought that climate change was happening and mainly caused by humans, while 28% thought the climate was changing but human activity was not mainly responsible. Just 4% denied climate change was happening and 11% did not know.

There are also misconceptions on how popular clean energy is in the UK.

Most people do not realise how high the support for renewable power sources such as wind farms and solar panels is, with just 5% estimating support from the British public as between 75% and 100%, and two-thirds thinking it is below 50%.

Research for the government earlier this year found support for renewables was at 80%.

ECIU director Richard Black said: “This survey shows that there’s a huge gap between reality and perception on some key climate and energy issues.

“These are important findings given that the UK has crucial decisions to make on our response to climate change and our energy system in the next few years. As a nation we can only make sensible choices if we’re properly informed, so it’s vital that people are aware of what the evidence is and that it’s communicated clearly.”

He said the breakdown between the views of scientists and the public on climate change is a particular concern.

“This feels reminiscent of the situation around MMR where most Britons thought the medical profession was split on the safety of the vaccine whereas doctors were virtually unanimous that it was safe.”

Katharine Peacock, managing director of ComRes, said: “The perceived lack of consensus among climate scientists is striking – particularly as scientists are one of the most trusted groups in society.

“It is for the scientific community to communicate a strong evidence-based message to the media and through them to the public.”

The survey also found that 14% of those surveyed thought that green energy policies had pushed up energy bills, 37% thought they had increased bills somewhat and 34% said they had made no difference.

People also do not seem to agree that fracking in the UK could bring down energy bills:only 27% believe shale gas extraction could cut energy costs, while 46% think it would make no difference and 16% say it would increase bills.

Experts at the Met Office have said there is “no definitive answer” on the contribution of climate change to the winter storms, but that studies suggest Atlantic storms and extreme rainfall are becoming more intense, and that the increase is consistent with a warming world.

The ECIU is a new initiative which aims to support informed debate on energy and climate issues in the UK.

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