Results for #Labourtrain

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  1. Photos · View all
  2. Whit's next, a plague of toads? Oh, of course, they arrived aff the the day.

  3. Has the left yet? Had their wee jolly up North, stick the receipts through expenses when they get back to .

  4. I wonder how many of the passengers paid for the journey out of their own pocket? Was it put through as MP expenses?

  5. Once Glaswegians turned out to cheer James Maxton et al. Now @UK_Labour MPs get jeered and heckled

  6. Reports coming in that ticket-holding members of the public were barred from the carriage containing labour's .

  7. The has disembarked in Glasgow. The Yes campaign is ready for them ... someone playing the 'Imperial March' from Star Wars.

  8. where were you when Tory cuts were forcing Scottish people further into poverty? Shame on you.

  9. Will be visiting foodbanks while they're here? Maybe some large schemes? Easterhouse perhaps? To talk about sharing & pooling?

  10. I remember a documentary about the opposition taking a train up did it turn out again ?

  11. also known as . When it arrives, a 'bland of Labour politicians' will disembark, & ooze over us, & wag fingers.

  12. Highlight of my day: innocently getting on the train to Warrington only to find Peter Hain requesting cava with the breakfast

  13. The joy of rolling news summed up in a tweet: “: Andy Burnham has just got on at Wigan."

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