People's Climate March: share your photos and stories

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take to the streets to pressure world leaders to take action on global warming. If you’re planning to take part in the march we’d like to hear from you

People's Climate March advert to be put up on the London Underground tube network.
People’s Climate March advert to be put up on the London Underground tube network. Photograph: Avaaz

On 21 September the biggest climate march in history is planned to take place in cities such as New York and London according to organisers. Ricken Patel, executive director of digital campaign group Avaaz, one of the organisers of the People’s Climate March, said the demonstration was intended to send a signal to those world leaders, who are expected to include David Cameron and Barack Obama, though not heads of state from China and India.

Wherever you are in the world if you’re planning to take part we’d like to hear from you. You can share your photos, videos and stories by clicking on the blue ‘contribute’ button to share your story on GuardianWitness. We’ll feature the best on the site.

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