Australia raises 'terror attack' threat level
Alert issued over perceived risk posed by citizens believed to be fighting with armed groups in Iraq and Syria.
Carnage dubbed by state media as "China's 9/11" left dozens dead and 140 wounded at Kunming train station in March.
Move to increase tax by 100 percent marks government attempt to reduce one of the world's highest smoking rates.
President Aquino asks legislators to pass law creating government to replace existing autonomous authority in Mindanao.
Beijing told to severely punish those involved and offer compensation after alleged incident near Paracel islands.
Matthew Miller to be tried on September 14 on unspecified charges related to "perpetrating hostile acts".
India is the first customer to buy Australian uranium without being a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
Eight employees of Chinese newspaper and two PR firms accused of demanding money to run, or not to run, stories.
Azmi Sharom becomes the ninth person arrested this year for what many observers say are politically-related reasons.
Stephanie Scawen
Missile reportedly launched towards Sea of Japan amid high military tension between North and South Korea.
Figures extrapolated from last census in 1983 estimated population at 60 million, but new count finds only 51.4 million.
29 Aug 2014 07:33 GMT
What drives single mothers in South Korea to abandon their babies?
29 Aug 2014 19:02 GMT
The carrier announces financial losses and job cuts as it strives to recover from two passenger jet disasters.  
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