In Pictures
In Pictures: Food crisis hits Nepal district
Remote Humla region suffers from severe food shortage leading to malnutrition as supply of food marred by corruption.
Al Jazeera travels with a special task force to track down oil theft that costs Nigeria billions of dollars.
Death toll still rising as Indian and Pakistani military continue efforts to rescue thousands of those stranded.
Nearly a year after Muslim rebels stormed Zamboanga, more than 64,000 people remain displaced from their homes.
While 52 percent of Ethiopia's people have access to improved water, only 10 percent have water piped into their homes.
Artists from over 30 countries have transformed a village on the Tunisian island of Djerba into an 'open-air museum'.
Ancient Hindu community that uses otters to catch fish threatened by a sharp decline in stocks caused by pollution.
Children are unable to begin classes as thousands of displaced Iraqis seek shelter in schools across the Kurdish region.
The deadliest terror attack in modern Russia's history led to the deaths of 334 hostages, more than half children.
Inspired by Gaza's free runners and traceurs, parkour is making inroads in India-administered Kashmir.
As Global Water Week kicks off in Stockholm, world's second most populous city, New Delhi fights for water every day.
Nine years after Hurricane Katrina devastated the US' Gulf Coast, New Orleans still struggles to recover.
Palestinians welcomed a long-term ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, which put a stop to seven weeks of bombings.
Traditional art suffers as widows in Kashmir conflict are paid by the government at less than the cost of wool.