The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
Adopt an Orphaned Elephant

Newest Arrival at the Trust:

Name  MURIT MURIT - Adopt this Orphan

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Location Rescued
Gender  Male
Date of Birth  Saturday, May 17, 2014
Location Found  Namunyak Conservancy - Samburu
Age on Arrival  7 Weeks
Comments on Place Found  Found stuck down a Well
Reason for being Orphaned  Well Victim

Latest News & Updates:

  1. The DSWT 2013 Newsletter, DSWT Overview, and An African Love Story

    DWST Overview An African Love Story

    The DSWT iWorry Campaign and The DSWT Give a Gift Website and The DSWT Wilderness Journal

    The DSWT iWorry Campaign The DSWT iWorry Campaign David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Wilderness Journal

    Ivory Victims

    We tell the ongoing story of the elephant poaching crisis in Kenya and the threat to elephants throughout Africa. We hear from elephant keeper Julius and Nick Trent, DSWT's pilot working together with The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) in Kenya's massive Tsavo National Park. The time to act is now - and there is so much we can do.

    Begin by getting involved here: A campaign of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT)

    Through the iworry campaign, the DSWT successfully organised the single largest public demonstration for elephants on Friday October 4th 2013. The International March for Elephants resulted in more than 18,000 people from around the world taking to the streets in support of elephants and to urge world leaders to take measure to stop the poaching, stop the trade and stop the demand for ivory. We are calling for a complete ban on all international and domestic trade in ivory and urging governments around the world to invest more resources into wildlife protection at a field level, to strengthen penalties for those involved in the illicit ivory trade and to heighten security at ports and borders, as well as to invest in educational efforts to stop the demand for ivory.

    The fight to save the elephant continues. Find out how you can take action today:

    You can help further by donating online to support the Orphans’ Project and the Anti-Poaching efforts of the DSWT.

  1. The Rescue of Mbegu - 9/5/2014

    On 15th May 2014 Angela was given news about a tiny calf needing to be rescued from the Naibunga Conservancy at Ol Lentille. (read more)

    The keepers fought with the community to take her to safety she had been stoned and speared Mebu with Oltaiyoni and Kauro Mbegu loves her keepers






  1. A July Report from the DSWT Anti-Poaching Units - 8/25/2014

    July has been the driest month of the year with strong winds which have exacerbated bushfires lit by bordering communities in northern Tsavo East with intent to clear grazing land for livestock, whilst fires have also grown out of control along the Mombasa highway. (read more)

    Logging and charcoaling in Tsavo The team at an observation point in Tsavo Discovering a poached elephant treating an injured elephant
  1. Other Orphans in our care - 8/25/2014

    The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is best know for raising orphaned elephants and rhinos, but we have many orphans of varying species that have come into our care over the years that we have hand raised so that they may live a wild life again. (read more)

    Our latest arrival, Kili, rescued from Amboseli by The Kenya Wildlife Service A baby Nuk Cassie and Nyika Ngulia being raised at Voi by the Voi Keepers

Foster an orphan elephant
A gift that not only helps save a life but also bequeaths to the recipient an endearing icon that will be both educational and appealing.  This is a living gift of a wonderful animal, the largest mammal on earth, and a gift that enables someone to become a part of the life of the elephant of your choice.

  1. Siena, the Marsh Pride Lioness Injured again! - 8/25/2014

    Siena, already a famous Mara lioness of the Marsh Pride, became even more widely known after she was gored by a buffalo on the 4th April 2014, nearly severing her hind leg completely. (read more)

    Siena's wound has been opened up Dr Limo prepares the dart gun Siena being stitched up Siena walks off to her  cubs
  1. Kenya - Diverse and Unique - 8/24/2014

    Too often we are writing about the conservation challenges we face, but there are few countries in the world that can rival Kenya when it comes to natural beauty and wildlife, the differing landscapes, and the generous spirit of the people. (read more)

If you would like more updates please click here

Born from one family’s passion for Kenya and its wilderness, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is today the most successful orphan-elephant rescue and rehabilitation program in the world and one of the pioneering conservation organisations for wildlife and habitat protection in East Africa.

Founded in 1977 by Dr Dame Daphne Sheldrick D.B.E, in honour of the memory of her late husband, famous naturalist and founding Warden of Tsavo East National Park, David Leslie William Sheldrick MBE, the DSWT claims a rich and deeply rooted family history in wildlife and conservation.

The DSWT has remained true to its principles and ideals, remaining a sustainable and flexible organisation. Guided by experienced and dedicated Trustees and assisted by an Advisory Committee of proactive naturalists with a lifetime of wildlife and environmental experience, the Trust takes effective action and achieves long-lasting results.

Mission statement

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust embraces all measures that compliment the conservation, preservation and protection of wildlife. These include anti-poaching, safe guarding the natural environment, enhancing community awareness, addressing animal welfare issues, providing veterinary assistance to animals in need, rescuing and hand rearing elephant and rhino orphans, along with other species that can ultimately enjoy a quality of life in wild terms when grown.

Chaired by Daphne Sheldrick, the DSWT is run by Angela Sheldrick, the daughter of David and Daphne, who has been managing all of the Trust’s activities for over a decade. Growing up in Tsavo and later in the Nairobi National Park, Angela has been part of the Trust’s vision from the start, supported by her husband Robert Carr-Hartley and their two boys Taru and Roan, who are passionate about Kenya’s wildlife and eager to ensure that David and Daphne’s legacy continues.

In 2004 the DSWT was incorporated as a charity in the U.K. and granted charitable status by the Charities Commission, whilst during the same year the Trust has also attained U.S. Charitable status enhancing its corporate funding capability under the guidance of the U.S. Friends of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

Helping save the lives of orphaned elephants and rhinos through the ‘Orphans’ Project’ who are ultimately released back into the wild is just one of the many wildlife commitments the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is involved in. The DSWT also runs 8 full-time Anti-Poaching and Desnaring Units, 3 Mobile Veterinary Units and the Sky Vets initiative, 3 ‘Aerial Surveillance’ planes whilst being active in ‘Saving Habitats’, ‘Conservation Initiatives’ and ‘Community Outreach’.

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The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust   P.O. Box 15555 Nairobi Kenya

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