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Acting is the work of an actor or actress who tells a story by portraying a character in television, film, or any other storytelling medium.
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Ken MiyamotoKen Miyamoto, Produced screenwriter, former ... (more)
Too many to list them all, but I'll pick the ones I feel deserved an Oscar the most.

Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York

... (more)
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Marcus GeduldMarcus Geduld, 35 years of study in psycholog... (more)
285 upvotes by Quora User, Joshua Engel, Eric Morphis, (more)
If anyone tells you there are objective standards, they're full of shit. This is a matter of personal taste. There are trends. There are many people who loved Hoffman's acting. But if you don't, yo... (more)
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Nishant SinghNishant Singh, Far over the misty mountains c... (more)
288 upvotes by Alex Antoine, Vaibhav Ingole, Nitish Sharma, (more)
This answer has actors from Hollywood as well as Bollywood.
  • Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone in The Godfather

  • Russell Crowe as Maximus Decimus Meridius in Gladiator
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Richard H. SchwartzRichard H. Schwartz, In the time before cable, I wa... (more)
90 upvotes by Quora User, Cristina Hartmann, Paul Duncan, (more)
Alan Rickman as Severus Snape

Rickman was a natural fit for the role, because he plays arrogance extremely well.  E.g., Die Hard, Something The Lord Made, Galaxy Quest.  (If you haven't seen Somet... (more)
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Ratnakar SadasyulaRatnakar Sadasyula, Hardcore Movie Buff
Daniel Day Lewis hands down, and this from some one who is a big time fan of Pacino.  I am one die hard fan of Al Pacino, have watched almost every movie of his, love playing his clips from Any Giv... (more)
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Robert FrostRobert Frost, Cinephile
I like Leo, but I think he has quite a bit of competition there.  Like, how about these people?

Richard Burton, Gary Oldman, Robert Mitchum, Donald Sutherland, Robert Downey Jr., Julianne Moore, ... (more)
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Liam GormanLiam Gorman, 15
167 upvotes by Aritra Ray, Advait Kamat, Matt Hastie, (more)
Based on some of the acting performances which have missed out on nominations and deserved wins in the history of the Academy Awards, the list is endless but that's not always the Academy's fault. ... (more)
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Michael SuttonMichael Sutton, Living life between the lines
11 upvotes by Pramod Nikam, Ashok Tummala, Quora User, (more)
Dolores Umbridge of the Harry Potter series would top my list of choices - easily. Never, in the history of television or film, have I come across a more annoying character than this. I kept a perp... (more)
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Kelsey L. HayesKelsey L. Hayes, I know too much about ASOIAF.
Never thought I would say this, but I think that by the end, it will be Alfie Allen as Theon. Theon goes through an absolutely incredible transformation, starting out as a cocky nobleman with a chi... (more)
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Ethan HawkeEthan Hawke, Actor, Writer, Director
1.2k upvotes by Nadia Singer, Yair Livne, Kah Seng Tay, (more)
There have been times in my life when a character has penetrated me so thoroughly that there were negative ramifications in my personal life -- on film, BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU'RE DEAD, and on s... (more)