Damselflies - in pictures

Remus Tiplea photographs close-ups of damselflies in his back garden in Negresti Oas, Romania, after coaxing the live bugs into position

A green-eyed damselfly peeks out from behind pink flower petals
The eyes have it - a green-eyed damselfly peeks out from behind petals.
A green-eyed damselfly clutches a stalk.
I spy - a green-eyed damselfly clutches a stalk.
A blue-eyed damselfly peeks out from some petals.
A blue-eyed damselfly surrounded by petals.
Two damselflies sit on flower petals
Two damselflies sit on flower petals.
On the wing - Blue damselflies on grass stalks.
Blue damselflies on grass stalks.
Beauty's in the eye of the beholder - a green-eyed damselfly sits on a red petal.
Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder - a green-eyed damselfly.
A blue damselfly.
A blue damselfly.
Creepy-crawlies - two damselflies in close-up
Creepy-crawlies - two damselflies in close-up.
Window on nature - an orange-eyed damselfly peeks out from a hole in a leaf.
Window on nature - an orange-eyed damselfly peeks out from a hole in a leaf.
A bug's life: a blue damselfly sits on a petal.
A bug’s life: a blue-eyed damselfly.

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